Agenda item

Feasibility Report - Access to Outreach Workers

This report asks Members to consider a scrutiny topic registered by Councillor Alexander to scrutinise the availability, funding and uniform distribution of access to outreach workers.


Members considered a report, which related to the registration of a scrutiny topic by Cllr Alexander to scrutinise the availability, funding and uniform distribution of access to outreach workers.


Councillor Alexander had referred to the number of people in Holgate Ward who relied on an outreach worker service, from providers such as Age Concern. During the Health Scrutiny Committee’s recent Dementia Review it had become clear that this service was different from a befriending service. Outreach workers usually provided practical assistance and were paid; whereas the befriending service tended to concentrate on social visits and staff were normally volunteers. He had also found that the outreach worker service was unequally available across the city (due to the way that Ward Committees allocated their individual budgets). In previous years Age Concern had bid for funding for the scheme but they had made the decision not to apply for funding for 2009/10.

Based on evidence presented within the report, Officers had advised Members not to proceed with the review. They did state that, if this were to be put forward as a scrutiny topic that it should be more broadly focused on the outcome (sustainable neighbourhoods for vulnerable people) rather than starting with the input (how outreach workers were funded) and a revised topic registrationform would therefore need to be submitted.

Officers confirmed that Housing and Adult Social Services were at present involved in discussions with various agencies and stakeholders about commissioned services and the implementation of the government’s initiative “Putting People First”. He suggested that Members may wish to defer consideration of this matter pending the outcome of these discussions.


Members stated that this scrutiny request could potentially be a large piece of work and that the issues raised would involve agencies other than the Local Authority.


Councillor Alexander expressed disappointment that Officers had advised against proceeding with the review. He did however confirm that he would be happy if a review was taken up at a later date, following completion of works on the commissioning of services by Housing and Adult Social Services. 


RESOLVED:       (i) That based on the evidence presented within the report Members do not proceed with the Scrutiny Review on Access to Outreach Workers at the present time; 1.


(ii)   That the Director Housing and Adult Social Services provide an update report to the Committee, later in the year, detailing the outcome of discussions with stakeholders, representative agencies and providers about the commissioning of services and partnership working to provide these services; 2.

(iii)             That following receipt of this report the Committee give further consideration to the need for a scrutiny review on this matter.

REASON:      (i) On the basis that the voluntary sector agencies are not obliged to apply for funding and that the Ward Committee process for applying for grants had been called in via the scrutiny function before in April 2008, there was therefore, little to be gained from scrutinising the same subject twice.


(ii) (iii) In order to ascertain whether a more broadly focused scrutiny review should be undertaken on this matter in the future.

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