Issue - meetings

TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment – Barbican Road/Paragon Street

Meeting: 19/04/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 64)

64 TSAR Traffic Signal Refurbishment – Barbican Road/Paragon Street pdf icon PDF 278 KB

The Executive Member will be asked to consider the options available in the TSAR scheme when replacing the traffic signalling equipment on  Barbican Road/Paragon Street.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approved the proposed design option presented in Annex A of the report.


Reason:     To achieve the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset to established TSAR programme standards such that it can continue operate and be repaired economically before it becomes unmaintainable. Additionally, the formalisation of the existing uncontrolled crossing facility over Barbican Road and the introduction of a new crossing of Paragon Street provides a significant improvement to pedestrian and cyclist safety at the junction and will assist in reducing existing levels of pedestrian/cyclist conflict at the south western corner of the junction which have previously been highlighted as an issue.


Officers introduced the report noting that there was no update to provide. They noted that the TSAR scheme focused on replacing life expired road signals, as well as, bringing junctions up to standards, and implement improvements which were easy to achieve within budget at the same time. The Executive Member welcomed the report and noted that the proposed changes should create additional space for pedestrians and reduce traffic speed into the Barbican Road box junction. Whether a two way cycle path could be introduced from the access from Wellington Road as well as the slip from Barbican Road were discussed and officers agreed to explore the possibility.




                      i.         Approved the proposed design option presented in Annex A of the report.


Reason:     To achieve the core aim of replacing the life-expired traffic signal asset to established TSAR programme standards such that it can continue operate and be repaired economically before it becomes unmaintainable. Additionally, the formalisation of the existing uncontrolled crossing facility over Barbican Road and the introduction of a new crossing of Paragon Street provides a significant improvement to pedestrian and cyclist safety at the junction and will assist in reducing existing levels of pedestrian/cyclist conflict at the south western corner of the junction which have previously been highlighted as an issue.


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