Issue - meetings

Report on the Carers Strategy including updates on recommendations of the Carers Review

Meeting: 22/11/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health (Item 25)

25 Annual Update on the Carers Strategy pdf icon PDF 82 KB

This report provides the Cabinet Member for Health, Housing & Adult Social Services with an annual update of the Carers Review 2010/11.


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RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.


Reason: To comply with the recommendations of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and to highlight the importance of the work of Carers in accordance with the council’s Corporate Strategy.


The Cabinet Member considered a report, on the Carers Strategy, that had been recommended to her by the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Officers gave an update and confirmed that:

·        the York Carers Centre was now established as an independent organisation and was beginning to grow.

·        three active and well established carer led forums were now in place across the City.

·        they had worked actively with the Library Service during Carers Week 2011 to distribute information and raise carer awareness.

·        the Flexible Carer Support Scheme had continued to provide an increased number of direct payments to support and sustain carers in their caring role.

·        they were working towards better engagement with the hospital and GP’s to promote carers issues and raise awareness.

·        that they were working on promoting the Carers Friendly Employment Mark.


The Cabinet Member thanked officers for the very impressive work they had done and confirmed that:

·        more information does need to be provided in public places which was accessible to people who may not recognise themselves as carers.

·        the waiting list for Carers Assessments of Need does need to be reduced in length.

·        It was vital that support was in place for all young carers.


Officers confirmed that a Young Carers Task Group was actively in place and that the Young Carers Revolution (the young carers forum) had produced a DVD which all Secondary School Headteachers had seen.  Officers would continue to work with York schools to raise awareness and increase the school based support available to young carers.



RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted.


Reason: To comply with the recommendations of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and to highlight the importance of the work of Carers in accordance with the council’s Corporate Strategy.


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