Issue - meetings

National Service Plans for Environmental Health and Trading Standards

Meeting: 18/10/2011 - Decision Session - Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Planning and Sustainability (Item 11)

11 National Service Plans for Environmental Health and Trading Standards pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Service plans for food law enforcement, health & safety law enforcement and animal health enforcement are produced on an annual basis in response to national requirements. The purpose of this report is to seek member approval for these plans.


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RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member approved the National Service Plans and recommended that they be referred to Cabinet for approval.


REASON:                     In order that the Council can discharge its statutory obligations in regard to service planning for environmental health and trading standards services.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which sought approval of the service plans for food law enforcement, health and safety law enforcement and animal health enforcement.


Officers outlined the report, in particular that the purpose of each service plan is similar in that they contain details of how local authorities are addressing national enforcement priorities. Guidance for completing each plan is issued by the FSA, HSC and DEFRA and states that the plans should be submitted to the appropriate member forum for approval.


Officers advised that paragraph 1.4 of the Animal Health Service Plan was no longer relevant and should be disregarded.  An amended version of the Service Plan would be supplied to Democratic Services for publication on the Council website.


The Cabinet Member commented that she was happy to approve the service plans.


RESOLVED:                That the Cabinet Member approved the National Service Plans and recommended that they be referred to Cabinet for approval.


REASON:                     In order that the Council can discharge its statutory obligations in regard to service planning for environmental health and trading standards services.


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