Decision details

Water End/Clifton Green Junction: Options for Reinstating a Separate Left Turn Traffic Lane on the Water End Approach

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of the report: Possible reinstatement to two traffic lanes on the Water End approach to the Clifton Green signals, as were in place before the cycling facilities were introduced in 2009.
The Cabinet Members is asked to: Consider the options presented, together with an appraisal on the merits/suitability and any safety concerns regarding each option.


Agreement has been received to adding this item to the Plan to ensure that the report back to the Cabinet Member was received at an early date in an effort to resolve this issue.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the contents of the report be noted.


(ii)      That consultation take place with local

residents and interest groups regarding Option 1 (retaining both the cycle track build-out and the splitter island) and Option 5 (introducing a central cycle feeder lane between two traffic lanes whilst retaining the splitter island).


(iii)     That, as part of the consultation in respect of Option 1, views be sought as to whether the cobbles should be removed to provide extra carriageway width.


(iv)     That an area-wide review of signal timings for weekdays and weekends be undertaken. (Measure A - as detailed in paragraph 60 of the report) 


REASON:            To balance various advantages and disadvantages linked to the options, with a view to achieving the best overall solution.

Report author: Mike Durkin

Publication date: 27/09/2011

Date of decision: 27/09/2011

Decided at meeting: 27/09/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 30/09/2011

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