Issue - decisions

Education Early Years and Child Care Pathfinder

18/10/2006 - Education Early Years and Child Care Pathfinder

Members considered a report detailing the Pathfinder award of new flexible entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds which had increased from 12.5 hours to 15 hours of nursery education provision for 2006/7 and 2007/8.


The report highlighted the aims and objectives of the project which included:


·         the delivery of 15 hours of free and flexible early learning and care across the hours of 8-4 or 8-6


·         the participation in a national evaluation and giving access to selected settings as part of that process


·         acting as a beacon of good practice for other local authorities


It was noted that the intention was to form a Pathfinder Project Board from the existing NEF multi-agency group, which would fit into the existing reporting structure but with a widened remit and purpose.


Members were informed that participation in the pathfinder initiative would require the creation of three new temporary part-time posts.  Funding for those posts had been identified and any extension of them would need to be reviewed at the end of the pathfinder.


The report also highlighted the need for a new reference group made up of five headteachers from Primary schools with education nursery provision together with HR, Early Years and Finance staff from the local authority.  The intention would be to work on finding a new formula for schools funding for early years.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


i.                          To approve the membership of the Pathfinder Project Board

ii.                        To approve the creation of three additional posts

iii.                      To approve the creation of the Headteacher Reference Group


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:  That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and   endorsed.


REASON:          i.To ensure that the membership is reflective of the aims of the Pathfinder and that all key stakeholders are involved 

ii.         To co-ordinate and manage the Pathfinder to ensure maximum efficiency

iii.       To ensure equity across all settings


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