Issue - decisions

Carbon Management Programme - Update

03/03/2009 - Carbon Management Programme – Strategy and Implementation Plan Update

RESOLVED: (i)         That the good progress made to date be noted.


                        (ii)        That it be noted that a full progress report, with forecasted potential carbon savings over the remaining four years, project plan and timetables for implementation, will be supplied to the Executive once a full year of energy data is available, and that it be requested that this report should also include proposals for addressing energy conservation / reduced carbon emissions in the City Council’s housing stock and in its transportation activities.


                        (iii)       That the creation of a CRC internal officer group, which will investigate CRC and create a proposal for managing it by October 2009, be noted.


REASON:      So that Members are fully aware of the co-ordinated approach that City of York Council is taking, and will continue to take, in order to manage carbon emissions from Council activities and to ensure that the Council is prepared for CRC when it is implemented in 2010, and that the 2013 target is met on time.


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