Issue - decisions

Rowntree Park - Ongoing Development

03/12/2008 - Rowntree Park - Ongoing Development

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


Restoration of the Bowls Pavillion – Ark in the Park:


(i)     To note the current situation


(ii)               To offer support to the efforts of the Friends to develop the proposed Ark in the Park


(iii)To ask officers to draw up a funding bid for the 2010/11 capital programme, including investigation of external funding.


Flood Management:


(i)      That Officers investigate a bid to the venture fund to self finance any works.



Goose Management:


(i)     To note the current situation and carry on with the current management regime


(ii)   To commission a city wide study and report back to EMAP on any possible changes to the existing management scheme.



(ii)   To welcome any support from Micklegate Ward Committee Funding towards establishing best practice in Goose Management.


Decision of the Executive Member:



RESOLVED:                                     That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                                          In order that planning can move forward.


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