Agenda item

Tourism Marketing - delivering the Autumn Schedule

This report updates the Executive Member about how the Council and Make It York proposes drawing on the tourism marketing budget to work with partners and develop covid-19 safe events and experiences to encourage visitors (including residents) into the city throughout September – December 2020.





1.   That endorsement be given to the approach to supporting the City’s Tourism Economy to ensure that the strategy implementation follows the Executive’s agreed approach to the government’s alert levels.


2.   That approval be given to the outline event and experience programme and delegate to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place agreement of scope to deliver the proposed events programme.


3.   That approval be given to the use of the remaining £34,500 budget from the Leeds City Region business rates pilot funded York Narrative project to supplement the marketing strategy budget to fund the programme of events and experiences and delegate to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place the final allocation of funding and budget.



1.   To support the City’s tourism industry in the important pre-Christmas period to provide visibility and transparency as to the allocation of budget and activity by the Council and Make It York for Tourism support.


2.   Funding provided by the council for the tourism marketing plan will deliver a series of themed events and experiences delivered by partners. 




The Executive Member considered a report that provided an update on how the Council and Make It York proposed drawing on the tourism marketing budget to work with partners and develop covid-19 safe events and experiences to encourage visitors (including residents) into the city throughout September to December 2020.


The Corporate Director Economy and Place reported that in light of the changes to the alert levels over the last 24 hours, the first recommendation in the report had changed to:


‘Endorse the proposed approach to supporting the City’s Tourism Economy to ensure that the strategy implementation follows the Executive’s agreed approach to the government’s alert levels.’


The Head of Communications explained the background to marketing activities undertaken to date. TheHead of Culture, Wellbeing, Communications and Marketing (Make It York - MiY) then gave an overview of how MiY delivered key marketing activities from the council-funded tourism marketing plan. The Assistant Director, Regeneration and Asset Management noted that footfall had returned to 80-90% of the usual levels and she noted the need to be able to respond to government alert levels.


The Executive Member invited the Executive Director of the York Business Improvement District (BID) to give feedback from businesses. The Executive Director reported that 77% of businesses represented by the BID were in the retail and hospitality sector. He congratulated the partnerships in the city and noted that York had performed relatively well compared to other cities during COVID-19. The feedback from businesses was that footfall was down and he was hopeful that the momentum of people visiting the city would continue through autumn from September through to Christmas.


The Executive Member thanked York BID and its partners for their work. He then invited comments from the MiY Managing Director who noted that York has felt safe and busy and that key players had done a good job of getting key message out. He added that the longer term future looked positive and he thanked the Head of Communications (CYC) and Head of Culture, Wellbeing, Communications and Marketing (MiY) for delivering the strategy and he endorsed the recommendations.


The Executive Member thanked partners for their work and acknowledged the work that had gone into the tourism marketing plan. He welcomed suggestions from residents and urged them to put their suggestions forward to MiY, CYC and the York BID.


He then:




1.   That endorsement be given to the approach to supporting the City’s Tourism Economy to ensure that the strategy implementation follows the Executive’s agreed approach to the government’s alert levels.


2.   That approval be given to the outline event and experience programme and delegate to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place agreement of scope to deliver the proposed events programme.


3.   That approval be given to the use of the remaining £34,500 budget from the Leeds City Region business rates pilot funded York Narrative project to supplement the marketing strategy budget to fund the programme of events and experiences and delegate to the Corporate Director of Economy and Place the final allocation of funding and budget.



1.   To support the City’s tourism industry in the important pre-Christmas period to provide visibility and transparency as to the allocation of budget and activity by the Council and Make It York for Tourism support.


2.   Funding provided by the council for the tourism marketing plan will deliver a series of themed events and experiences delivered by partners. 



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