Issue - meetings

Response to Petition regarding Noddle Hill lay-by

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 63)

63 Response to petition regarding Noddle Hill lay-by pdf icon PDF 482 KB

The report sets out the background to the unauthorised encampment at Noddle Hill layby which is the subject of the petition attached as Annex A, outlines the relevant legislation and material considerations and makes recommendation on the proposed courses of action in the short, medium and longer term.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Noted the E-Petition received;

                     ii.         Noted the interim situation for the unauthorised encampment at Noddle Hill;

                    iii.        Noted the future work proposed to increase the amount of Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation as part of the delivery phase of the Local Plan which will enable relocation of the encampment to an authorised site;

                   iv.        Noted the establishment of a Project Manager post by the Corporate Director of Place in Consultation with the Executive Member for Housing in regard to already committed S106 funds and to commence early engagement with the developers of strategic sites and commence planning for the provision of additional pitches;

                     v.        Agreed, subject to land ownership questions being clarified, to commence the process to stop up the Noddle Hill layby as being surplus to highway requirements and develop proposals for a green area to improve the amenity of the adjoining area.


Reason:     To ensure the long-term solution to the unauthorised

encampment at Noddle Hill and reflect the legal protections afforded to the individuals on the encampment.


Officers outlined that the unauthorised encampment at

Noddle Hill layby had many complicated legal elements that had made reaching a resolution challenging. It was noted that the recommendations outlined short, medium, and long term proposals for the use of the layby.


The layby was confirmed to be part of the old alignment of the road and its current land ownership was not known. Officers confirmed that unknown ownership of older roads was not uncommon and that work was being undertaken to identify ownership. It was confirmed that the stopping up order which was intended to lead to a green space in place of the layby would be subject to public consultation.


The Executive Members noted in accordance with their decision at minute 62 that they would enter private session to consider the exempt annexes within the report at 10:40 and returned and resumed the meeting in the public session at 10:44.


The Executive Members noted that they recognised residents concerns and welcomed the actions proposed by officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report. They also welcomed the new sites for Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation in the York Local Plan.




                      i.         Noted the E-Petition received;

                     ii.         Noted the interim situation for the unauthorised encampment at Noddle Hill;

                    iii.        Noted the future work proposed to increase the amount of Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation as part of the delivery phase of the Local Plan which will enable relocation of the encampment to an authorised site;

                   iv.        Noted the establishment of a Project Manager post by the Corporate Director of Place in Consultation with the Executive Member for Housing in regard to already committed S106 funds and to commence early engagement with the developers of strategic sites and commence planning for the provision of additional pitches;

                     v.        Agreed, subject to land ownership questions being clarified, to commence the process to stop up the Noddle Hill layby as being surplus to highway requirements and develop proposals for a green area to improve the amenity of the adjoining area.


Reason:     To ensure the long-term solution to the unauthorised

encampment at Noddle Hill and reflect the legal protections afforded to the individuals on the encampment.


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