Issue - meetings

DEFRA Air Quality last mile delivery update

Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 10)

10 DEFRA Air Quality last mile delivery update pdf icon PDF 662 KB

The report updates the Executive Member on the feasibility stage of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (“DEFRA”) funded Air quality project and asks the Executive Member for endorsement in terms of the approach to the second stage of the project which is a delivery hub pilot.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Noted the DEFRA air quality project feasibility study;

                     ii.         Approved a 9 month pilot as per the feasibility report

(scenarios 1a) and 1b) focusing on small parcel delivery using pedestrian portering and zero emission deliveries (cargo and e-cargo bikes). Consolidating the deliveries at a hub in a location that has good access for delivery vehicles and access to the inner ring road in order to test the last mile possibilities;

                    iii.        Approved the principle of a 12 month lease for the trial to operate from, allowing 3 months for set up and decant and 9 months for the operation of trial;

                   iv.        Delegated to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning in consultation with the S.151 Officer and Director of Governance authority to :

a. Finalise the lease arrangements for the trial (at

the moment proposed to be 107-109 Walmgate)

as the location for the hub, work through any

legal and planning requirements and establish

management arrangements of the hub;

b. finalise arrangements with operators to take part in the trial;

c. to enter into agreement with an academic

institution and representatives from the Freight

Forum to have an oversight of the pilot, set the

performance measures and test the operators

against these;


Reason:     To ensure the best outcomes are achieved to improve air quality and to feed in to inform strategy and approach locally and regionally to consolidation of freight.


Officers outlined the results of the DEFRA air quality project feasibility study and noted that the study had engaged businesses and delivery drives and assisted in identifying what to propose for the trial. It was confirmed that food remained a difficult aspect of last mile delivery but officers were exploring train freight. The proposal for a drop off was at a Council leased premises and would be run by the Council. It was expected that operators would work together to maximise the value of the trail, however, it can still operate if some operators withdrew. The Executive Member noted his support for the trail.




                      i.         Noted the DEFRA air quality project feasibility study;

                     ii.         Approved a 9 month pilot as per the feasibility report

(scenarios 1a) and 1b) focusing on small parcel delivery using pedestrian portering and zero emission deliveries (cargo and e-cargo bikes). Consolidating the deliveries at a hub in a location that has good access for delivery vehicles and access to the inner ring road in order to test the last mile possibilities;

                    iii.        Approved the principle of a 12 month lease for the trial to operate from, allowing 3 months for set up and decant and 9 months for the operation of trial;

                   iv.        Delegated to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning in consultation with the S.151 Officer and Director of Governance authority to :

a. Finalise the lease arrangements for the trial (at

the moment proposed to be 107-109 Walmgate)

as the location for the hub, work through any

legal and planning requirements and establish

management arrangements of the hub;

b. finalise arrangements with operators to take part in the trial;

c. to enter into agreement with an academic

institution and representatives from the Freight

Forum to have an oversight of the pilot, set the

performance measures and test the operators

against these;


Reason:     To ensure the best outcomes are achieved to improve air quality and to feed in to inform strategy and approach locally and regionally to consolidation of freight.


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