Issue - meetings

Haxby Road (north of New Earswick) Triple Speed Cushion Replacement Trials

Meeting: 11/05/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 76)

76 Haxby Road (north of New Earswick) Triple Speed Cushion Replacement Trials pdf icon PDF 310 KB

This report seeks approval to replace the existing triple speed-cushion arrangements at two sites on Haxby Road to the north of New Earswick. The replacement is proposed to be done on a trial basis with the results being brought back to a future meeting of the Executive Member.

Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the proposed trial laid out in Option 1 of the report be undertaken for a three month period, in order to identify whether there is a more appropriate layout to that which is currently in-situ at the two sites on Haxby Road.


Reason:    To enable officers to evaluate the trial and report back on the results to a subsequent Decision session, and seek approval for the final replacement layout.



The Executive Member considered a report proposing the trial replacement of the existing triple speed-cushion arrangements at two sites on Haxby Road to the north of New Earswick.  In order to identify the most appropriate layout for each site, the report detailed two different layouts, both to be evaluated over a three-month period.


The Executive Member considered the four options detailed in the report i.e.:


Option 1: Undertake a 3-month trial replacement of the 3-cushion layouts with a different layout at each location.

Option 2: Undertake two separate 3-month trials to replace the 3-cushion layouts using a different type of layout for each trial.

Option 3: Retain the current 3-cushion layouts and investigate alternative methods to reduce vibration and reduce potential conflict between drivers and cyclists.

Option 4: Do nothing


Having noted that complaints had been received about the potential danger to cyclists from drivers negotiating the speed-cushions currently in place, the Executive Member accepted that the proposed trial of some alternative traffic calming layouts would lead to improvements for road users. 




i)             That the proposed trial laid out in Option 1 of the report be undertaken in order to identify whether there is a more appropriate layout to that which is currently in-situ at the two sites on Haxby Road.


ii)            That trial be undertaken for three months and the findings reported back to a future Executive Member Decision Session


Reason:    To enable officers to evaluate and seek approval for the final replacement layout.


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