Issue - meetings

Bishopthorpe Road near Campleshon Road Junction – Petition for a Safer Pedestrian Crossing Point

Meeting: 14/07/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 19)

19 Petition - "Safer Road Crossing for Bishopthorpe Road" pdf icon PDF 269 KB

This report presents a petition signed by around 350 people requesting safer road crossing facilities for Bishopthorpe Road at its junction with Campleshon Road. The Executive Member is asked to consider the petition and approve the continuation of work on a scheme already included in the School Safety Engineering Programme 2016/17 for this location.


Additional documents:


Resolved:      That Option (i) be approved.

·        For Officers to continue developing proposals as part of this year’s School Safety programme with a view to implementing an appropriate scheme this financial year

Reason:          To improve pedestrian crossing facilities on Bishopthorpe Road at its junction with Campleshon Road. 





The Executive Member received a report which presented him with a petition signed by around 350 people requesting safer road crossing facilities for Bishopthorpe Road at its junction with Campleshon Road.

Officers reported that the lead petitioner had expressed support at some of efforts that had been made to rectify the current situation but had been concerned that a zebra crossing would not be implemented.

The Executive Member noted Councillor D’Agorne’s comments in respect of this item.

Resolved:      That Option (i) be approved and

·        Officers continue in their development of  proposals as part of this year’s School Safety programme with a view to implement an appropriate scheme in this financial year

Reason:          To improve pedestrian crossing facilities on Bishopthorpe Road at its junction with Campleshon Road. 





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