Issue - meetings

Transfer of the Honour of Freedom of the City to the new Yorkshire Regiment

Meeting: 26/09/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 73)

Transfer of the Freedom of Entry to the City

This report seeks to transfer the Freedom of Entry to the City to the newly formed Yorkshire Regiment.


Members considered a report which sought to transfer the Freedom of Entry to the City to the newly formed Yorkshire Regiment.  The report provided information on the formation of the regiment and gave details of a letter received by the Lord Mayor, in which the Regimental Secretary had requested that the transfer take place to continue the tradition and historic link with the City.


RESOLVED:             That the Freedom of Entry to the City be transferred to the new Yorkshire Regiment.


REASON:                  To uphold tradition and continue to foster links with the former battalions


Members considered a report which sought to transfer the Freedom of Entry to the City to the newly formed Yorkshire Regiment.  The report provided information on the formation of the regiment and gave details of a letter received by the Lord Mayor, in which the Regimental Secretary had requested that the transfer take place to continue the tradition and historic link with the City.


RESOLVED:             That the Freedom of Entry to the City be transferred to the new Yorkshire Regiment.


REASON:                  To uphold tradition and continue to foster links with the former battalions


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