Issue - meetings

Tour de France

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Executive (Item 94)

94 The Tour de France - Hosting the Grand Départ pdf icon PDF 110 KB

This paper outlines proposals for York’s participation in the activities supporting the “The Grand Départ” of The Tour de France in Yorkshire in July 2014.  It outlines the associated benefits and operational costs and implications and seeks agreement to enter into an arrangement with Welcome to Yorkshire and Leeds City Council, as the lead local authority, to host the second day start of the Grand Depart. 



RESOLVED:                That Cabinet agree to:

i)             Approve the Council’s commitment to staging the Grand Départ within the parameters outlined and agree that the £500k hosting fee will be met from the Economic Infrastructure Fund.

ii)            Give delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enter into an agreement with Welcome to Yorkshire and Leeds City Council to host the Grand depart.

iii)          The approach of the regional and local legacy and cultural work as outlined in the report.

REASON:            To support the efficient and effective implementation of the work needed to successfully host the Grand Départ in the region and the legacy work for York’s regional leading role and York element of the legacy implementation.



Members considered a report that outlined proposals for York’s participation in the activities supporting the “Grand Départ” of the Tour de France in Yorkshire in July 2014.  The report outlined the associated benefits and operational costs and implications.  Members’ approval was sought to enter into an agreement with Welcome to Yorkshire and Leeds City Council, as the lead local authority, to host the second day start of the Grand Départ.


Members were delighted that the bid had been successful and York would be hosting the second stage start, as had been its preference.   There would also be a range of activities and cultural events marking the occasion.  Members commented on the inward investment that the event would bring to the city.  It offered a unique opportunity to provide a showcase for the city in the international perception of York as a sporting city and a place to visit and do business.  The event would also leave a legacy for cyclists for many years to come.


Members noted the operational costs and logistics, as outlined in paragraph 19 of the report.  Leeds City Council would act as administrative body and guarantor for all the authorities with involvement in the stages and each of the authorities had been asked to commit in principle to providing the financial support required.  This would commit the city to a payment of the hosting fee of £500k  in three stages, on signing, one year before the event and on the first day of the Grand Départ.


It was noted that further reports would be presented to Cabinet as the project developed.


The Chair thanked all those involved in the successful bid.


RESOLVED:                That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Approve the Council’s commitment to staging the Grand Départ within the parameters outlined and agree that the £500k hosting fee will be met from the Economic Infrastructure Fund.


ii)            Give delegated authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to enter into an agreement with Welcome to Yorkshire and Leeds City Council to host the Grand depart.


iii)          The approach of the regional and local legacy and cultural work as outlined in the report. 1.


REASON:            To support the efficient and effective implementation of the work needed to successfully host the Grand Départ in the region and the legacy work for York’s regional leading role and York element of the legacy implementation.


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