Issue - meetings

Communities And Culture Qtr 1 Service Plan Progress Report

Meeting: 11/10/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities (Item 15)

15 Quarter 1 April - June 2011, Finance and Performance update pdf icon PDF 165 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture & Social Inclusion with an update on financial performance, progress against service plan improvement actions and performance measures.

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The Cabinet Member received a report which updated her on financial performance, progress against service plan improvement actions and performance measures in the Communities and Neighbourhoods directorate.


RESOLVED:        (i)     That the report be noted.


                           (ii)       That the revised timescales for actions that are in progress, but where the original estimated timescale has slipped for completion be agreed.


REASON:                     To ensure that those actions where the estimated timescales have slipped are completed within the revised timescales without detriment to the quality of action taken.




The Cabinet Member received a report which updated her on financial performance, progress against service plan improvement actions and performance measures in the Communities and Neighbourhoods directorate.


The Cabinet Member was updated on the financial position of several areas in the directorate including;


-      An overspend in the restructure of the Arts Education Peripatetic Music Service due to one-off redundancy costs.  It was noted that the new service is working well and providing whole class tuition with larger numbers of children.

-      That both library cafés were in profit and that income had been generated from the York Card.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the report be noted.


(ii)      That the timescales for actions that are in progress but where the original timescale has slipped for completion be agreed.


REASON:                     To ensure that those actions where the estimated timescale has slipped are completed within the revised timescales without detriment to the quality of action.




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