Issue - meetings

Non Residential Charging Policy

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Services (Item 16)

16 Non Residential Charging Policy pdf icon PDF 89 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to amend the Non Residential Charging Policy, following consideration of the consultation outcomes and the Equalities Impact Assessment.

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RESOLVED:  That the Executive Member considered the outcome of the consultation and the Equalities Impact Assessment and agreed Option 2, amending the current non residential charging policy with effect from April 2010 with the following condition:


  • Any increase in charges should not exceed £25 per week for the next municipal year.




Reason:  To generate additional income whilst still ensuring consistent application to the Fairer Charging Guidance.


The Executive Member consider a report that asked him to amend the Non Residential Charging Policy, following consideration of the consultation outcomes and the Equalities Impact Assessment.


The officer gave an update and commented on the responses to the Social Care Fairer Charging Survey. Since the report had been written officers had received further replies which had taken the response rate to 38%.  Officers agreed to send the latest responses to the Executive Member.1


Officers confirmed that the council's current non residential charging policy disregards 35% of Disability Related Allowances (DRA) in lieu of an individual assessment of Disability Related Expenditure (DRE).  In financial terms this was equivalent to anything between £7 and £40 per week depending on the individual circumstances, with an average for current customers of £36 per week.  Officers added that a benchmarking exercise had been completed and the results of this confirmed that the York policy remains one of the most generous policies with regard to disability related expenditure, as the average amount allowed in other authorities who take 100% of disability related benefits was £16 per week.


In answer to the Executive Members questions  the officer confirmed that many customers would continue to receive free care but approximately 475 customers potentially face an increase in charge. Each individual customer would be assessed on their disability related expenditure needs and each individual would be assessed before any change in policy.


The Executive Member agreed that York would be falling inline with other Local Authorities but that the increase could have a big impact on the individual customer.  He agreed option 2 but asked officers to incorporate a transitional measure and that any increase in charges should not exceed £25 per week for the next municipal year.  The officer agreed to contact the Executive Member to update him on the financial impact the transitional period would have.2




RESOLVED:  That the Executive Member considered the outcome of the consultation and the Equalities Impact Assessment and agreed Option 2, amending the current non residential charging policy with effect from April 2010 with the following condition:


  • Any increase in charges should not exceed £25 per week for the next municipal year.




Reason:  To generate additional income whilst still ensuring consistent application to the Fairer Charging Guidance.


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