Issue - meetings

Playbuilder capital grant - site allocations

Meeting: 09/06/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Leisure Culture and Social Inclusion (Item 4)

4 Playbuilder Project- Sites Allocation pdf icon PDF 49 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to agree the selection criteria for the allocation of the £1.12 million Playbuilder capital grant in order to agree the sites and areas for investment.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member agrees to:


i)                    Approve the proposed sites named in paragraph 11 of the Officers’ report.

ii)                  To allow Officers to bring forward substitute schemes if necessary and to select such schemes using the criteria as set out in paragraph 8 of the Officers’ report, and to report additional schemes to the Executive Member through the capital monitoring process.



REASON:                  To progress schemes using the Playbuilder funding in 2009/10 and 2010/11 that satisfy the conditions of the funding.


The Executive Member was asked to consider a report from Officers on the Government backed Playbuilder Project, which gives a one off capital grant to Local Authorities to improve and develop better play provision. The report suggested that this money be allocated to a total of 22 sites across the city.


Officers reported that the 22 earmarked sites had been selected using strict criteria from the Department for Children, Families and Schools and also the input from feedback gained at the Local Development Framework Working Group such as;


1)     where there was no existing play provision

2)     where the existing play provision was given a low quality rating

3)     as a result of suggestions gained from members of the public

4)     whether the site was feasible in its deliverability in terms of time and budget


Officers added that the money from the grant had to be spent by the end of the next financial year. It was highlighted that allocated sites within the scheme could be extended or expanded specifically to include older age groups, such as those aged 8-13.  Due to budgetary constraints from the grant, it was noted that not more than 11 projects could commence this year.


In response to a question about funding and whether all the play areas specified would total the full amount of the grant, Officers highlighted that a fixed percentage had been calculated for all the sites and that one of the conditions of the grant was that the minimum spend for the site could not go below £35,000.


Responding to a question about who would build the play areas and whether this will affect the delivery, Officers stated that assurances had been sought from manufacturers, specific protocols were followed and that there had been public consultations. Officers highlighted that the Government issued protocols included a principle that the selected manufacturers had to take into consideration other manufacturers’ products for example in providing different play equipment.


In response to a question of maintenance of sites without a specific maintenance guarantee from the manufacturer, Officers stated that this would either be the responsibility of the Parish Council or of the City of York.


The Executive Member questioned whether the funding could also be used to provide infrastructure on more rural sites to allow access to the play areas.


The Officers replied that the steering group recognised a need for infrastructure and that the use of the grant money to provide this was not permitted. Additionally, Officers said that the Highway Safety Group are part of the Playbuilder steering group and that joint schemes with Highways were being planned to improve access.


It was noted that the Playbuilder Project would increase the number of play sites in the City and it would be possible to calculate the availability of quality play provision for Young People within the catchments of the City’s play areas.


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member agrees to:


i)                    Approve the proposed sites named in paragraph 11 of the Officers’ report.

ii)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4


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