Decision details

Acknowledgement of Petitions

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of the Report: To acknowledge and address the following petitions that have been submitted to Highways and Transport.
Strensall Cycle Path Petition - Full Council 23.3.23 - Cllr Doughty (640 signatures)
Haxby Moor Road Resurface Petition - Full Council 23.3.23 - Cllr Doughty (449 signatures)
• Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface Petition - Full Council 23.3.23 - Cllr Doughty (110 signatures)
• Improve Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road - epetition rec'd 10.05.23 (101 Signatures)
• Farrar Street ResPark Petition - presented to officers by Cllr Whitcroft 08.06.23 (42 signatures)
Garrow Hill Avenue, petition for inclusion in the Residents Parking Zone via Cllr Pavlovic 15 April (15 Signatures)
• Petition - removal of Race Day Barriers on the Junctions of Albermarle and Count de Burgh with Queen Victoria Street in South Bank (76 Signatures) - Cllr Fenton

The Executive Member will be asked to acknowledge each petition, note the content of the petition and agree the way forward for each item.


Resolved: That the Executive Member noted the receipt of the petitions and reviewed the recommendations against each petition below:

(i)           Strensall Cycle Path

·        Note that connecting Strensall with Huntington and Earswick has provisionally been identified as a priority route as part of the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan.

(ii)         Haxby Moor Road Resurface

·        Due to the condition and priority of an intervention, no action would be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme currently. An inspection of the condition would be undertaken and any reactive maintenance required would be delivered.

(iii)        Stockton-on-the-Forest Resurface

·        Due to the condition and priority of an intervention, no action would be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme currently. An inspection of the condition would be undertaken and any reactive maintenance required would be delivered.

(iv)        Improve Road Safety - Hopgrove, York A1036 Malton Road

·        More detailed work on measure was requested and would be considered as part of the Transport Capital Programme in 2024/25.

(v)         Farrar Street ResPark

·        That the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list was approved and the extent of the potential consultation area was considered when it reaches the top of the list.

(vi)        Garrow Hill Avenue, petition for inclusion in the Residents Parking Zone

·        That the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list was approved and the extent of the potential consultation area was considered when it reaches the top of the list.

(vii)      Removal of Race Day Barriers on the Junctions of Albermarle and Count de Burgh with Queen Victoria Street in South Bank

·        Note that the Council would engage with residents and Ward Councillors to review traffic management in the area ahead to the next race season.

Reason:To respond to residents’ concerns and implement, if possible, the appropriate measure.


Report author: Dave Atkinson

Publication date: 12/09/2023

Date of decision: 12/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 12/09/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport

Effective from: 15/09/2023

Accompanying Documents:


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