Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Proposed Site for Poppleton Bar Park and Ride, Northfield Lane, Upper Poppleton, York (09/02294/FULM)'

  • Councillor Ann Reid MBE - Personal - As the Executive Member who had promoted the bid for the Access to York schemes. She stated that legal advice had confirmed that as no particular site had been earmarked at the time of the bid that she had no prejudicial interest to declare.
  • Councillor Ian Gillies - Personal - As two of the speakers were known to him and he had previous knowledge of the proposals through his Ward work and as he had attending Parish Council meetings.
  • Councillor Richard Moore - Personal - In relation to matters relating to Clifton Moor, as one of the speakers was known to him as they were both Directors of the Clifton Moor Business Association.


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