Issue - decisions

Delivering Development Investment – Stage 2

04/03/2014 - Delivering Development Investment – Stage 2


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Note the progress already being made across a range of development projects.


ii)            The proactive development of the strategic investment pipeline ready for high level business case assessment against funding options;


iii)          Develop a business case for the creation of a CYC commercial fund;


iv)          Develop a business case for the creation of a joint venture investment vehicle ready for potential engagement with a strategic external investor;


v)           Dedicate the necessary resource from the Economic Development Unit to manage the development of this work, and delegation of responsibility to the Chief Executive and Director of City and Environmental Services to make changes to internal structures to provide the necessary resources to progressing this work;


vi)          Development of a project board to oversee development of this work.

Reason:     To allow officers to develop the business cases for a CYC commercial fund and a joint venture model, and to enable officers to engage landowners and potential investors in the process.






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