Issue - decisions

Clementhorpe Flood Barrier - Aquabarrier Pilot Scheme

10/06/2006 - Clementhorpe Flood Barrier - Aquabarrier Pilot Scheme

Members received a report which advised them of the proposed offer by AquaBarrier-Systems Ltd, to provide a demountable flood defence system at Clementhorpe, at minimal cost to the Council, and sought approval to accept the offer.


Officers confirmed that, following the Micklegate Ward Committee meeting, and support for the Council to pursue an option to raise the protection level of the barrier to 100-year protection, AquaBarrier had investigated an extended height version of the barrier. It was indicated that this barrier was in the early stages of production and that it would be 2-3 years before trials could take place but that a higher version may be available at this time.


Officers also confirmed that in the meantime, if necessary, there were traditional methods to back up defences in the area.


Paragraph 11 of the report presented two options for consideration:

·        Option 1 – a demountable flood defence to give protection against a river level of 10.20m AOD (ie: 1 in 50/60 year protection), which could be augmented with sandbagging when protection was required against a 1 in 100 year event.  This option was proposed by AquaBarrier at minimal cost to the Council.

·        Option 2 – not to proceed with the demountable flood defence scheme and to continue sandbagging, as at present, when floods occur.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised that Option 1 be approved, as detailed in paragraph 11 of the report, and the construction of the AquaBarrier-Systems Ltd. scheme to provide a demountable flood defence barrier proceed.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decision, above, be endorsed.


REASON:To give flood protection to the Clementhorpe area of York, within the funding arrangements currently available to the Council.


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