Issue - decisions

Feasibility Report - Cycle Hire Scheme for York

16/07/2013 - Feasibility Report - Cycle Hire Scheme for York

RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:

(i)           The general principle of introducing a public cycle hire scheme within York;

(ii)          Give approval for Officers to undertake further development of a business model for a scheme, including seeking external sources of funding and tendering for a potential provider;

(iii)        Receive a further report at a future Cabinet meeting setting out the full financial implications and potential funding sources, and further consider at that point the introduction of a full city wide trial of a public cycle hire scheme for 24 months.

REASON:           To continue to promote cycling within York as a sustainable transport option and offer a low-cost alternative to private transport for short journeys.  This would be primarily aimed at residents of the city and its suburbs, but would also appeal to commuters as well as some visitors. 



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