Committee details

Equalities Review Task Group

Purpose of committee

In September 2013, the Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee received a report which highlighted the criteria for achieving Excellence for the Equality Framework for Local Government (EFLG). It was subsequently agreed that there may be a role for scrutiny in helping the authority to achieve the excellence level for EFLG, focussing on raising the awareness of the democratic process amongst York’s Communities of Identity, and identifying any required equalities training for Members.


The following remit was agreed:



To encourage wider involvement in the Council’s democratic traditions i.e. elections, decision making and community engagement, by raising awareness across York’s Communities of Identity, and in particular those who have protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.



i.          Examine national best practice by other Local Authorities currently achieving excellence level in their democratic traditions.


ii.         Identify optimum methods for raising awareness of the democratic process amongst York’s Communities of Identity.


iii.       Identify any barriers in York preventing the involvement of York’s Communities of Identity, and identify possible solutions.


iv.       Identify appropriate equalities training required for members to help them better serve Communities of Identity within their wards.


Please note that the interim and final reports of this Task Group will be considered by the Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee as the parent Committee which set up the review.


Contact information

Support officer: Jill Pickering, Democracy Officer.

Postal address:
West Offices
Station Rise

Phone: 001904 552061

Fax: 01904 551035



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