Committee details

School Meals Scrutiny Review Task Group

Purpose of committee

In July 2013, having considered a scoping report for a proposed scrutiny review of School Meals, the Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee agreed to proceed with the review and set up a Task Group to carry out the review on their behalf.  The Task Group is made up of the following committee members:


Cllr Fiona Fitzpatrick (Task Group Chair)

Cllr Ruth Potter

Cllr Jenny Brooks

Mr Andrew Pennington (Co-opted Committee Member)


Review Aim: To improve the take-up of school meals and free school meals.




1.    To explore reasons for the relatively small increase in take-up of school meals across all York schools.


2.        To investigate why those parents/carers who are entitled, do not register and claim for free school meals and consider how the Local Authority working with partners can encourage them to do so.


3.        To investigate the reasons why significant numbers of entitled pupils whose parents/carers have registered and claimed, do not take up the offer of a free school meal.


4.        To look at the effectiveness of cashless school meals and there impact on school meal take-up.


Please note that the interim and final reports of this Task Group will be considered by the Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee as the parent Committee which set up the review.




  • Andrew Pennington   


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