Committee details

CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) Scrutiny Review Task Group

Purpose of committee

The Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee agreed to set up a Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Task Group to carry out the review on their behalf and agreed the following remit:


‘To assess the standard of CEIAG for young people in York, and where appropriate identify improvements.’


The Committee also agreed that it might be useful for the Task Group to look at:


      How teachers could be provided with the most up to date guidance and information on careers and education, as due to time constraints, they were often unable to provide a consistent level of CEIAG.


     The role that employers could play in providing information and guidance to young people.



Contact information

Support officer: Catherine Clarke/Louise Cook.

Postal address:
West Offices
Station Rise


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