Agenda item

Homeless Strategy 2018-2023

This report seeks Members’ views on the content and implications of York’s Homeless Strategy for 2018-2023 prior to its final publication.


Members considered a report which invited them to comment on the content and implications of the draft Homeless Strategy for 2018-23 prior to its final publication.  The Assistant Director for Housing and Community Safety and the Service Manager, Housing Options & Support, were in attendance to present the report and answer questions.


The draft strategy, attached as Annex 1 to the report and entitled ‘Preventing Homelessness Together’, would replace the current  2013-18 strategy.  It incorporated the recommendations in the motion agreed by Council on 26 October 2017 and subsequently considered by the Executive on 25 January 2018.  The accompanying action plan, setting out detailed actions under five strategic aims, was attached as Annex 2.  This report to Scrutiny was the final stage of an extensive consultation on the draft, which would next be signed off by the Homeless Strategy Executive Group before being taken to Executive.


During their debate, Members questioned Officers at length on various aspects of the strategy, and on matters raised under Public Participation.  The responses may be summarised as follows:

·        Issues around accommodation for those leaving prison were recognised within the strategy (strategic aim 4).

·        With expanded provision at Peaseholme and Howe Hill, new provision due at James House hostel and new powers in the Homeless Reduction Act 2017, it was hoped the situation would improve.

·        There was always a balance to be achieved between the needs of all homeless people and the resources available.

·        The system could only work for those willing to engage with services, and some people were not ready to take on the responsibility of a tenancy.

·        Efforts were made to address potential barriers to accepting hostel accommodation, including staff on duty, CCTV, and availability of female only provision, e.g. at Robinson Court. 

·        Officers could explore the idea of issuing a leaflet for the general public advising on support available for homeless people.

·        Private accommodation was sourced via the council’s own lettings agency, Yorhome, and a Private Sector Officer had been appointed for 12 months to work with landlords.

·        The idea of creating a company to develop a private rented model similar to that used in Germany was being explored.

·        York had been invited to bid for government funding allocated to addressing rough sleeping.

·        Homelessness in York was not an ‘imported’ problem, as the council could only assist those with a connection to York.

·        Relationship breakdown, a major cause of homelessness, was twice the national average in York and the Homeless Reduction Act provided an opportunity to address this.

·        Exploring the use of student rooms as emergency accommodation was an action point in the plan (1.11).

·        The homeless strategy was monitored via an annual report to the relevant Executive Member, but no overall evaluation report was produced.


Resolved:  (i)      That the contents of the report, and the additional information provided in response to questions at the meeting, be noted.


Reason:     So that the committee is informed of and involved in the development of the Homeless Strategy and action plan, due for publication in summer 2018.


                   (ii)      That Officers be requested to bring the Annual Report on the 2013-18 Homeless Strategy to the committee’s next meeting in May.


Reason:     To give Members an overview of the effectiveness of the strategy.


                   (iii)     That the Scrutiny Officer be requested to contact the Assistant Director of Planning and Public Protection, seeking clarification of the council’s planning powers in respect of student accommodation, and circulate the response to Members by email.


Reason:     To determine whether it is worth exploring the possibility of using vacant student accommodation to help alleviate the problem of homelessness in the city.

Supporting documents:


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