Agenda item

Recommendations of Executive on the Council's Capital Strategy for 2018/19 to 2022/23, the Financial Strategy 2018/19 to 2022/23 and the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2018/19 to 2022/23

To consider the recommendations made by Executive, at their meeting held on 8 February 2018, in relation to:


(a)     the Financial Strategy 2018/19 to 2022/23 (including the Council’s revenue budget proposals for 2018/19)

(b)     the Capital Strategy 2018/19 to 2022/23

(b)     the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators 2018/19 to 2022/23.


These recommendations are set out in the attached report and will be moved by the Council Leader.



The original budget reports to Executive, on which their recommendations are based, were circulated to all Members and can be found on the Council’s website, here:



Councillor Waller moved, and Councillor Gillies seconded, the motions relating to the following proposals


(a)     the Financial Strategy 2018/19 to 2022/23 (including the Council’s revenue budget proposals for 2018/19)

(b)     the Capital Strategy 2018/19 to 2022/23

(c)     the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators 2018/19 to 2022/23.


Capital Strategy

Executive recommends that Council:


(i)           Agree to the revised capital programme of £314.611m that reflects a net overall increase of £54.767m (as set out in paragraph 81 table 10 and in Annex B). Key elements of this include;


a.    Extension of prudential borrowing funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £8.270m as set out in table 3 and summarised in table 10;


b.   New schemes totalling £8.506m including an increase in prudential borrowing of £2.356m as set out in table 4 and summarised in table 10;


c.   Extension of externally funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £5.380m as set out in table 5 and summarised in table 10;


d.   An increase in HRA funded schemes totalling £32.611m funded from a combination HRA balances/Right to Buy receipts as set out in table 6 and summarised in table 10


(ii)      Approve the full restated programme as summarised in Annex A totalling £314.611m covering financial years 2018/19 to 2022/23 as set out in table 11 and Annex A


Reason:     To set a balanced capital programme as required by the Local Government Act 2003.


Revenue Budget

Executive recommends;


(i)      That the £46k cut to the OAP Garden Scheme (HRA4) in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) savings proposals at Annex 6 to the report be deleted, to be replaced by a balancing increase to the Housing Repairs savings (HRA1) through improved IT systems to avoid wasted appointments.


(ii)          That subject to the amendment above, Council approve the budget proposals outlined in the Financial Strategy report and in particular;


a)   The net revenue expenditure requirement of £121.877m


b)   A council tax requirement of £85.898m


c)   The revenue growth proposals as outlined in the body of the report


d)   The 2018/19 revenue savings proposals as outlined in annex 2


e)   The fees and charges proposals as outlined in annex 4


f)    The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget set out in annex 5 and the HRA savings proposals set out in annex 6


g)   The dedicated schools grant proposals outlined from paragraph 162


h)   The use of £373k New Homes Bonus funding to fund one off investment, as outlined in paragraph 54


i)     An £800k increase in the contingency budget to fund adult social care, in particular winter pressures and delayed transfers of care, subject to a further report to Executive


j)     The receipt of an additional £457k adult social care grant announced in the final settlement on 6 February, to be considered alongside i) above and subject to a further report to Executive


k)   The release of one off funding in the transport reserve of £450k to fund ongoing expenditure


l)     The use of £38k from the £156k funding from the Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool (budget report February 17) to support the city’s cultural sector by progressing the development and promotion of a clearly defined Cultural Strategy with the Cultural Leaders Group, as set out in a recent Scrutiny report to Executive.


(iii)     That Council note that the effect of approving the income and expenditure proposals included in the recommendations would result in a 3.49% increase in the City of York Council element of the council tax, 1.5% of which would relate to the social care precept.


Reason: To ensure a legally balanced budget is set.


Treasury Management Strategy Statement and PrudentialIndicators


Executive recommends that Council approve;

             i.        The proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2018/19 including the annual investment strategy and the minimum revenue provision policy statement;


            ii.        The prudential indicators for 2018/19 to 2022/23 in the main body of the report;



           iii.        The specified and non-specified investments schedule (annex B)


          iv.        The scheme of delegation and the role of the section 151 officer (annex D)


Reason: To enable the continued effective operation of the treasury management function and ensure that all Council borrowing is prudent, affordable and sustainable.


Labour Amendment


Councillor Looker then moved and Cllr Neil Barnes seconded an amendment to the Revenue Budget  recommendations on behalf of the Labour Group as follows:


Revenue Budget


In relation to the Executive’s recommendations on the revenue budget (paragraph 39 of page 11 of Council papers refers):


In (ii), after ‘amendment above’, insert the words ‘and the further amendments outlined below’


In (ii) sub paragraph (a) delete ‘£121.877m’ and replace with ‘£122.707m’


In sub paragraph (b) delete ‘£85.898m’ and replace with ‘£86.728m’


In sub paragraph (c) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;


·        An additional £100k investment in the Falls Service aspect of Adult Social Care


·        An additional £50k investment in improving dementia diagnosis and working towards York being a dementia friendly city


·        An additional £100k investment to tackle the Attainment Gap in education


·        An additional £178k investment in young person-centred emotional health and wellbeing support, including greater mental health support in schools


·        An additional £30k investment in Citizens Advice York Service to support Financial Inclusion objectives and offer an expanded service


·        An additional £200k investment in an Inclusive Growth Fund to support York’s local economy and build community wealth


·        An additional £50k investment in Youth Provision’.


In sub paragraph (d) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;


·        50% Reversal of CEC6: Home to School Transport £103k


·        New saving: Savings on Member Allowances, through efficiencies in the number of Scrutiny Committees, and reduced budget for Executive Member allowances through a streamlined Executive £40k’.


In sub paragraph (e) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;


·        Halving the rate for bulky waste collection from £44 to £22.


In order to decrease fees and charges by £59k’.


At the end of paragraph 39 (ii), add an additional sub paragraph; m. The use of £100k from the Venture Fund to fund a feasibility study for an energy provision company


In paragraph 39 (iii) third line, delete ‘3.49%’ and replace with ‘4.49%’.


Following debate, and in accordance with the required legal regulations, a named vote was then taken in relation to the Labour amendment relating to the setting of the budget, with the following result:





Cllr Neil Barnes

Cllr Aspden

Cllr Craghill

Cllr Stuart Barnes

Cllr Ayre

Cllr D’Agorne

Cllr Cannon

Cllr Carr

Cllr Boyce

Cllr Crawshaw

Cllr Cullwick


Cllr Derbyshire

Cllr Cuthbertson


Cllr Flinders

Cllr Dew


Cllr Funnell

Cllr Doughty


Cllr Kramm

Cllr Douglas


Cllr Looker

Cllr Fenton


Cllr Danny Myers

Cllr Galvin


Cllr Pavlovic

Cllr Gates


Cllr Shepherd

Cllr Gillies


Cllr Dave Taylor

Cllr Hunter


Cllr Kallum Taylor

Cllr Jackson


Cllr Wells

Cllr Lisle


Cllr Williams

Cllr Mason



Cllr Mercer



Cllr Keith Myers



Cllr Orrell



Cllr Rawlings



Cllr Reid



Cllr Richardson



Cllr Runciman



Cllr Steward



Cllr Waller



Cllr Warters






The Labour amendment was declared LOST.


Green Amendment


Councillor D’Agorne then moved, and Councillor Taylor seconded, an amendment to the Capital Strategy and Revenue Budget recommendations, on behalf of the Green Group.


Capital Strategy


In relation to the recommendations on the Capital Strategy (paragraph 38 of page 10 of Council papers refers):


In paragraph 38 (i), first line delete ‘£314.611m’ and replace with ‘£316.611m’


In paragraph 38 (i), second line delete ‘£54.767m’ and replace with ‘£56.767m’


Under paragraph 38 (i), insert new sub paragraph:


(e) Include a new scheme to invest £2m for CPO of long term void premises to bring them back into use, funded by prudential borrowing.


In paragraph 38 (ii), second line delete ‘£314.611m’ and replace with ‘£316.611m’



Revenue Budget


In relation to the Executive’s recommendations on the revenue budget (paragraph 39 of page 11 of Council papers refers):


In (ii), after ‘amendment above’, insert the words ‘and the further amendments outlined below’


In (ii) sub paragraph (a) delete ‘£121.877m’ and replace with ‘£123.952m’


In sub paragraph (b) delete ‘£85.898m’ and replace with ‘£87.973m’


In sub paragraph (c) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;


·        An additional £120k to support the revenue cost of additional prudential borrowing (£2,000k capital amendment, funded from prudential borrowing)


·        An additional £200k investment in the extension of falls-prevention service


·        An additional £59k investment in locking and unlocking of all municipal park gates


·        An additional £90k investment in 3 x FTE gardener posts based at the parks Rowntree, West Bank, Hull Road, Glen and Clarence Gardens


·        An additional £80k investment in 2 x FTE park rangers


·         An additional £100k investment in the Financial Assistance Scheme/Council Tax Discretionary Reduction Scheme              


·        An additional £44k investment in an Outreach Worker to promote the Financial Assistance Fund


·        A £3k investment in semi-permanent poster hoardings around defunct fountain on Parliament St.


·        An additional £18k investment in Citizens Advice Bureau - Debt advice        

·        An additional £12k investment to increase drop in sessions from 2 to 4                       

·        An additional £200k investment to reduce the cap on Council Tax Support by 5%                       


·        A £52k investment to continue free access to Yorkshire Museum Trust for York residents on lower incomes     


·        An additional £44k investment to fund 1 FTE Air Pollution Reduction Officer in the Transport Team


·        An additional £44k to fund 1 FTE External Funding Officer                                       

·        An additional £44k to fund 1 FTE Energy Poverty and Affordable Warmth Officer in the Housing Team                                                 

·        An additional £100k to reinvest in subsidised bus services                                            

·        An additional £100k investment in surface water drainage maintenance and repairs to reduce flooding                                                                                                                                   

·        An additional £25k to undertake a feasibility study on a move to ANPR enforcement and online payments for ResPark permits


·        An additional £450k to maintain the quality of adult social care under future pressures’.


In sub paragraph (d) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;


·        Reversal of HHASC3: Sexual Health Outreach £22k

·        Reversal of HHASC5; Substance mis-use post £16k

·        Reversal of HHASC8: Wellness Service £50k

·        Reversal of HHASC19: Small Day Services £100k

·        Reversal of HHASC25: Sheltered housing with extra care £23k’.


In sub paragraph (e) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;


·        10p per hour further increase on non- resident city centre parking charges to incentivise the use of park and ride  (£40k additional income)


·        Reduce standard ResPark fee to £90 per annum (cost £40k)


·        Increase second car parking permit to £200pa (£10k additional income)


·        Re-instate discount for vehicle emission bands  A-C (cost £30k)


·        Halving the rate for bulky waste collection from £44 to £22 (cost £59k)


In order to decrease fees and charges by £79k.’


In paragraph 39 (iii) third line, delete ‘3.49%’ and replace with ‘5.99%’.


In paragraph 39 (iii) fourth line, delete ‘1.5%’ and replace with ‘3%’


Following debate, the required named vote in accordance with legal regulations was taken on the Green Group amendment, with the following result:





Cllr Craghill

Cllr Aspden

Cllr Boyce

Cllr D’Agorne

Cllr Ayre


Cllr Kramm

Cllr Neil Barnes


Cllr Dave Taylor

Cllr Stuart Barnes



Cllr Cannon



Cllr Carr



Cllr Crawshaw



Cllr Cullwick



Cllr Cuthbertson



Cllr Derbyshire



Cllr Dew



Cllr Doughty



Cllr Douglas



Cllr Fenton



Cllr Flinders



Cllr Funnell



Cllr Galvin



Cllr Gates



Cllr Gillies



Cllr Hunter



Cllr Jackson



Cllr Lisle



Cllr Looker



Cllr Mason



Cllr Mercer



Cllr Danny Myers



Cllr Keith Myers



Cllr Orrell



Cllr Pavlovic



Cllr Rawlings



Cllr Reid



Cllr Richardson



Cllr Runciman



Cllr Shepherd



Cllr Steward



Cllr Kallum Taylor



Cllr Waller



Cllr Warters



Cllr Wells



Cllr Williams






The Green amendment was declared LOST.


The required named vote, in accordance with legal regulations, was then taken on the original motion, with the following result:





Cllr Aspden

Cllr Neil Barnes

Cllr Boyce

Cllr Ayre

Cllr Stuart Barnes


Cllr Carr

Cllr Cannon


Cllr Cullwick

Cllr Craghill


Cllr Cuthbertson

Cllr Crawshaw


Cllr Dew

Cllr D’Agorne


Cllr Doughty

Cllr Derbyshire


Cllr Douglas

Cllr Flinders


Cllr Fenton

Cllr Funnell


Cllr Galvin

Cllr Kramm


Cllr Gates

Cllr Looker


Cllr Gillies

Cllr Danny Myers


Cllr Hunter

Cllr Pavlovic


Cllr Jackson

Cllr Shepherd


Cllr Lisle

Cllr Dave Taylor


Cllr Mason

Cllr Kallum Tayor


Cllr Mercer

Cllr Warter


Cllr Keith Myers

Cllr Wells


Cllr Orrell

Cllr Williams


Cllr Rawlings



Cllr Reid



Cllr Richardson



Cllr Runciman



Cllr Steward



Cllr Waller







The original motion was then declared CARRIED and it was


Resolved: That the Executive recommendations in respect of the Capital Strategy, Financial Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators be approved. 1



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