Agenda item

Admissions Arrangements for the 2019/20 School Year

The Corporate Director, Children, Education & Communities, to present a report which seeks approval for the admissions policies for community and voluntary controlled schools, and the coordinated admissions schemes for the City of York area, for the school year beginning in September 2019.


Note: Annexes H-X to this report have not been included in the printed agenda papers but are available to view with the published agenda on the website.


Resolved:  (i)      That the proposal to decrease the published admission number (PAN) for Osbaldwick Primary School from 60 to 45, as outlined in paragraphs 47-58 of the report, be approved.


Reason:     To assist the school with more appropriate class organisation and use of resources.


(ii)      That, subject to the amendment agreed in (i) above, the proposed PANs for all City of York Council schools for the school year beginning in September 2019, as set out in Annex A, be approved.


(iii)     That the co-ordinated schemes and admissions policies for all City of York Council schools for the 2019/20 school year, as set out in Annexes B-G and Y-AA to the report, be approved.


Reason:     To meet the statutory requirements of the School Admissions Code of Practice.



The Corporate Director, Children, Education & Communities, presented a report which sought approval for the admissions policies for community and voluntarily controlled schools, and for the co-ordinated admissions schemes in the City of York area, for the school year starting in September 2018.


The matter had been referred to the Executive by the Executive Member for Education, Children and Young People at his Decision Session on 16 January 2018 (Minute 26 of that meeting refers), as some changes had been made to the admission arrangements in recent years and he thought it important for Executive to be aware of current policies and to consider the policies for 2018/19.   


The recommendations in the report and annexes had been prepared following consultation with schools and other interested parties.  The Executive had the option to approve, reject or modify the proposals  relating to community and voluntary controlled schools, and could choose to raise a statutory objection to voluntary aided and academy school s admission arrangements.  The changes to the City of York admissions policies agreed last year, set out in paragraph 25, were minor and consisted mainly of clarifying some definitions and guidance.


Members agreed that future reports could be taken to the Executive Member Decision Session for determination, as before.


Resolved:  (i)      That the proposal to decrease the published admission number (PAN) for Osbaldwick Primary School from 60 to 45, as outlined in paragraphs 47-58 of the report, be approved.


Reason:     To assist the school with more appropriate class organisation and use of resources.


(ii)      That, subject to the amendment agreed in (i) above, the proposed PANs for all City of York Council schools for the school year beginning in September 2019, as set out in Annex A, be approved.


(iii)     That the co-ordinated schemes and admissions policies for all City of York Council schools for the 2019/20 school year, as set out in Annexes B-G and Y-AA to the report, be approved.


Reason:     To meet the statutory requirements of the School Admissions Code of Practice.


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