Agenda item

Former British Sugar site, Plantation Drive, York (14/02798/FULM)

Construction of development platform, engineering works and remediation and reclamation of site. [Acomb Ward][Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application by British Sugar for the construction of a development platform, engineering works and remediation and reclamation of site.


Officers advised that an updated construction environmental management plan (CEMP) had been received that detailed works to repair/maintain the highway during construction.  As such, they advised that condition 10 should be updated to refer to the up to date CEMP and in light of this, conditions 13 and 15 should be deleted as these were no longer required as they were covered in the CEMP.


Bill Symons addressed the committee on behalf of the Internal Drainage Board in objection to the application. He acknowledged that the Board noted that City of York Council was lead drainage authority for this site and therefore had assessed the risk of flooding however he expressed concerns about the development and moving historical drainage from downstream to upstream. He advised that he had asked the applicant for a copy of a drawing which had been presented at the site visit and, since then, they had made progress in relation to this matter.


Neil Jones, agent on behalf of the applicant, addressed the committee in support of the application. He advised that after several years of joint working, both the Environmental Health Officer and Environment Agency were happy with the proposed remediation measures. He advised that British Sugar had written to the internal drainage board and were hopeful that matters could be concluded in the coming months and that previous concerns should not prevent the committee approving works which would lead to future provision of much needed homes.


The applicant’s agent and the City of York Council’s contaminated land officer explained how remediation work would be undertaken and provided information in relation to ground gas, windblown contamination and dealing with asbestos and advised that details were contained in the remediation strategy.


Members acknowledged that it was a huge site and a big operation. They noted that no residents had attended the site visit to raise concerns and there was a need to get works underway. They expressed their support and noted that concerns which had been expressed were being taken into consideration by British Sugar.


Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report, the amendment to the CEMP condition below and the deletion of suggested conditions 13 and 15.


                   Updated condition 10 (Construction Environmental Management Plan)


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the construction environmental management plan (CEMP) version 1.2 dated 07.09.2017, or any subsequent CEMP submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To mitigate against harm to amenity during construction in accordance with paragraph 123 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Reason:     The site is previously developed, now vacant and in a sustainable and urban location.  The proposals, to allow site remediation and to create ground levels suitable for development, are consistent with the NPPF core principle for planning to proactively drive and support sustainable economic development.  The development also assists in enabling the local aspiration, as established in the emerging Local Plan, to develop the site for housing. 


 The proposed works will lead to the loss of landscaped areas and reduce habitats on site.  A limited level of mitigation can be secured through this application but it is accepted a more comprehensive landscaping strategy will need to be delivered in conjunction with development proposals for new uses on the site.  There is a current application still under consideration by officers which would deliver such mitigation in due course.


 Through the use of planning conditions, there is suitable mitigation to enable compliance with NPPF policy with regard to other material considerations; amenity, archaeology, drainage and flood risk and managing disruption during construction.




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