Agenda item

Update from the JSNA/JHWBS Steering Group

This report provides the Board with an update on the work that has been undertaken by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment/Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Steering Group since it last reported to the Board in March 2017.



The Board received a report from the Deputy Chair of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment/Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Steering Group. The report provided the Board with an update on the work that had been undertaken by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment/Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Steering Group since it last reported to the Board in March 2017. The Board was asked to note the update and;

    i.       Approve the Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) Steering Group and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Working Group at Annexes A and B,

  ii.       Approve the draft integrated impact assessment at Annex C and indicate if any further steps were needed.


The Deputy Chair of the Steering Group gave an overview of the new HWBB Steering Group’s draft Terms of Reference. She referred Board members to the membership of the HWBB Steering Group and asked Board members whether, when HWBB Steering Group members could not attend meetings their nominated HWBB  substitutes could represent them. The Board broadly agreed with this.


In relation to the draft minutes for the JSNA Working Group it was suggested that a data representative from TEWV be included in the membership.


Under the Key Responsibilities of the HWBB Steering Group, the Deputy Chair of the JSNA/JHWBS Steering Group highlighted that a key responsibility was to develop a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment in accordance with national guidance. She confirmed that the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment would be completed in March 2018. She suggested the addition of a further bullet point under section 4 of the draft HWBB Steering Group Terms of Reference to read:

‘to receive and consider notifications of changes to and applications for pharmaceutical services in York and respond to these where appropriate’.


Board members welcomed the report and made the following comments:

·        Board members noted the need to ensure that the JSNA aligned with the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment (JSIA);

·        The HWBB Steering Group would report to the Health and Wellbeing Board and a report would be added as a standing item to HWBB agendas;

·        The minutes of the HWBB Steering Group meetings would not be published but a summary of them would be included in update and progress reports to the Health and Wellbeing Board;

·        In relation to the integrated impact assessment for the joint health and wellbeing strategy the following two suggestions were made:

Øthere should be clinical input to the integrated impact assessment

Øonce completed both the integrated impact assessment and the joint health and wellbeing strategy should be taken to senior level boards within all organisations represented at the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Resolved: That the Health and Wellbeing Board;

1.   Noted the update;

2.   Approved the Terms of Reference for the HWBB Steering Group and the JSNA Working Group at Annexes A and B with the suggested amendments;

3.   Approved the draft integrated impact assessment and agreed that there should be clinical input and once completed this should be shared with HWBB organisation’s senior boards;

4.   Agreed that a progress/update report from the new HWBB Steering Group should be a standing item at future HWBB meetings.


Reason:     To update the Board in relation to the work of the JSNA/JHWBS Steering Group

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