Agenda item

York St John University Playing Fields, Windmill Lane, York (16/02358/OUTM)

Outline application for residential development (circa 70 dwellings) with associated access and demolition of existing buildings.

[ Hull Road Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major outline application by York St John University for residential development (circa 70 dwellings) with associated access and the demolition of existing buildings.


Officers circulated an update on the application in relation to the following points, with a copy of the full update republished with the online agenda:

·        pooling of contributions restrictions under Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations in relation to

o   outdoor sports facilities

o   education

o   highways

·        receipt of two further objections

·        issues arising from site visits

o   trees to Woodlands Rehabilitation Centre

o   pre-School Nursery Places

o   air Quality monitoring

o   highway Network Management


Members questioned the following points from the Planning Officers report and update:

·        details of the outdoor sports provision for that lost with the development of the site

·        increase in capacity for sport at Osbaldwick Sports Club

·        distance of sporting facilities to be provided from current site

·        Condition 15 should refer to ‘measures shall include’

·        Construction Management Plan should require developer to ensure suitable parking provision for contractors is made available within the site

·        Open Space and Green Infrastructure Study 2014 evidence base and ward boundary changes affecting the catchment area


John Cossam addressed the Committee and confirmed resident’s use of the playing fields over a number of years.  He expressed concern at the already high levels of traffic in the area which, with further development, would increase levels of nitrous oxides. He also highlighted the dangers at the Hull Road/Windmill Lane junction and requested the retention of the bollards at the top of Windmill Lane to prevent a through route.


Jane Metcalfe also spoke in objection, as a longstanding York resident.  She confirmed that living in a terraced property her family were regular users of the playing fields for social purposes. She referred to a covenant restricting the use of the fields to sporting and community use and expressed concern that the replacement facilities would not be in the Hull Road area. She asked the Committee to listen to local residents and retain the open space for future generations.


Fiona Himsworth, a local resident, referred to the mental health and wellbeing of residents and the importance of access to green open space to maintain this. She highlighted the need for resident’s access to the fields and woodlands on the site and pointed out that housing development would better met on existing brownfield sites. She asked Members to defer consideration of the application pending examination of alternative sites and discussions with the University regarding open space provision.


Janet O’Neill, the applicants agent, confirmed that the site was within the ownership of York St John University with formal access only required for a number of hours per week under the s106 agreement. Whilst there were no legal rights of access outside of these hours she confirmed that local residents had used the site over a number of years and confirmed that Sport England supported the arrangements for replacement facilities at Haxby Road. She also advised that the site would support the Council’s need for housing and in particular affordable housing.


Cllr Neil Barnes, as one of the Ward Members, expressed concern at the proposals following resident’s use of the site over a number of years and at the transfer of open space provision outside the ward. He requested deferral of the application for 6 months to allow dialogue with all concerned.


In answer to Members’ further questions, Officers confirmed:-

·        Current agreements required re-provision for the formal sports teams on the present site which was considered appropriate at Haxby Road

·        The traffic figures detailed in the report were considered  robust and were based on surveys and traffic counts

·        Transport assessments had examined accident records

·        Air Quality monitoring undertaken at the junction of Hull Road and Windmill Lane had shown improvements over the last 3 years


Following further lengthy discussion Councillor Looker moved and Councillor Funnell seconded a motion to defer the application in light of the issues raised and it was


Resolved:  That the application be deferred to a future meeting to enable the following to take place:


·                   clarification to be sought on the methodology for concluding that there was no shortfall in open space provision in the area (which study, ward boundaries etc this was based on)

·                   clarification on the suitability of the location of the alternative open space provision

·                   evidence of how the existing pitches had been offered to local sports teams

·                   attendance of Officers from Communities and Neighbourhoods and Highways at the next meeting to answer questions



Reason:     To enable further information to be provided to enable Members to make an informed decision in relation to this application.


Supporting documents:


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