Agenda item

Former Haymarket Car Park, Dundas Street, York (16/02801/FULM)

Erection of five storey hotel (use class C1) [Guildhall Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application by Vastint Hospitality for the erection of a five storey hotel (use class C1)


Officers advised that they had received a letter of objection from one of the neighbours who had attended the site visit but who was unable to attend today’s meeting. Their main objections related to the scale of the proposed buildings and concerns around highway safety and traffic. This letter had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.


Officers also advised that they had now received the Heads of Terms for the Sec 106 agreement from the applicant.


Officer recommended the following amendments to existing proposed conditions:

·        Than an informative be added to Condition 4 (construction management) to set out more detail and an explanation on what would be expected from the developer in respect of construction management.

·        Rewording of Condition 21 (plant and machinery) to give more  clarity to the noise levels that the developer would be expected to meet.


Mr Andrew Finch, a resident of Hungate, addressed the committee in objection to the application. He raised concerns around the use of the land for a hotel, which he stated would lead to noise overnight and disruption which was currently not an issue with existing office use nearby. He also raised concerns of the aesthetics of the proposed building from the south/south east, and the need to maintain a visual corridor; and highway access especially in relation to  East to West traffic,  where there would be  potential  pedestrian/cyclist conflicts with vehicles loading and unloading.


Janet O’Neil, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application. She referred to the impact of the building on both Hungate , the Hiscox office and neighbours. She advised that guests of the 3* hotel would arrive either by taxi or would walk from the station and stated that it was not anticipated that there would be a large number of coaches dropping off at/collecting from the hotel.


Members acknowledged residents’ concerns regarding traffic at the back of the proposed development but noted that no objections had been raised by Highways. It was suggested that the solid hoarding could be replaced by mesh fence during construction to improve sight lines to reduce impact of traffic. Concern was raised again with regard to the impact of the proposed building on the setting of the grade 2 * listed public house, but acknowledged that the site had been identified for development and outline permission had been granted and it had always been clear that there would be 4-5 storey building overshadowing the public house. Members commented that it was an innovative design and felt there were no reasons to refuse the application.


Resolved:  That on completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure a contribution of £18,000 towards public realm improvements at Peasholme Green, DELEGATED authority be given to the Assistant Director, Planning and Public Protection to APPROVE the application subject to the conditions listed in the report and the amendments to conditions 4 and 21 as detailed above.


Reason:     The scheme will regenerate part of the city centre in line with aspirations outlined in the 2005 and emerging draft Local Plans.  The proposed use is acceptable in principle.  The site is in an area where flood risk is high but the sequential and exceptions tests are passed and the development has been designed to be flood resilient.  There would be no harm to heritage assets or their setting, to residential amenity or highway safety. 


A section 106 agreement will secure a contribution of £18,000 towards public realm and pedestrian improvements on the opposite side of Peasholme Green.

Supporting documents:


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