Agenda item

Hall Farm, Strensall Road, York, YO32 9SW (16/02886/FUL)

Change of use of agricultural buildings to livery stables and caravan touring pitches including refreshment and toilet block. [Strensall Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Mr Andrew Thompson for the change of use of agricultural buildings to livery stables and caravan touring pitches including refreshment and toilet block.


Officers advised that, in response to comments in the report on the trading position of the farm, they had received an email from the applicant’s accountant to advise that the Mr Thompson, the applicant, had made trading losses in the last financial year.  


Eamonn Keogh, the applicant’s agent addressed the committee and provided the following information:

·        no objections had been received from members of the public or statutory or internal consultees.

·        the  scheme would include the demolition of a significant number of buildings, including some silos, leading to a net loss of permanent built floorspace and improvement to openness of Green Belt. 

·        a comprehensive visual impact assessment had been submitted. The scheme would have a positive impact on the rural landscape due to proposed reduction in built form and enhancement of landscape features, introduction of new hedgerows and trees and general landscaping around proposed development site.

·        caravan pitches would sit within the footprint of existing building and be seen against backdrop of retained buildings

·        very special circumstances to overcome inappropriateness of Green Belt have been set out in the report.


Members discussed whether additional landscaping was required noting there was already some screening to the north of the site but that views of the site would be more prominent from New Earswick to the south so any additional landscaping should be concentrated here.


Councillor Doughty moved, and Councillor Looker seconded, a motion to approve the application. Members accepted the need for diversification and were comfortable with the equestrian proposals, and some members expressed support for the scheme on the basis of diversification. They accepted that there was a need to provide suitable sites for visitors to York with caravans and noted the benefits to the environment through the reduction of the built up area and increase in openness to the greenbelt.


However there was concern that very special circumstances had not been demonstrated. They did not feel that evidence had been put forward to support the need for more caravan pitches. Concern was also raised in relation to slow moving vehicles at a point in the road where the speed limit changed from derestricted to 30mph. They did not feel that the need to diversify could in itself be considered as very special circumstances, but that individual cases for diversification should be made on financial grounds.


After further debate, members accepted the reasons put forward by the applicant but felt that these needed to be strengthened to include financial reasons to be able to be considered as very special circumstances. Councillor Galvin moved, and Councillor Ayre seconded, a motion to defer the application in order that the applicant be given additional time to put together stronger financial reasons to support very special circumstances.


Resolved:  That the application be deferred for consideration at a future meeting.


Reason:     In order that the applicant be given additional time to set out the  financial reasons  why the farm needed to diversify, which could be considered as very special circumstances to clearly outweigh the harm,  and any other harm, for development in the Green Belt.

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