Agenda item

Aviva, Yorkshire House, 2 Rougier Street, York, YO1 6HZ (16/01976/FULM)

Change of use from offices (use class B1) to 124no. bed hotel and 33no. serviced suites/apartments (use class C1) and six storey extension to rear/southwest. [Micklegate Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application by Yorkshire House Development One Ltd for the change of use from offices (use class B1) to a 124 bed hotel and 33 serviced suites/apartments (use  class C1) and a six storey extension to the rear/southwest.


Officers advised that, since the report had been written, revised plans had been received illustrating  the elevational treatment of the proposed extension and the proposed highway works to the vehicular access from Rougier Street. The Conservation Architect was satisfied with the revised elevation details. Highway Network Management raised no objections to the application but made the following points:


·          The proposed hotel was ideally situated for guests and staff in terms of sustainable travel (close to the two centrally located bus interchanges and York railway station). Access was to be taken from existing access points; one on Station Road and one on Rougier Street.

·          The Rougier Street access was currently subjected to deliveries to The Grand Hotel which had turning space for modest delivery vehicles. Deliveries to Yorkshire House were currently taken by vehicles reversing into the access. Envisaged a notable increase in deliveries to that which could be experienced by the current lawful usage of the site. The application did not offer any proposed turning for delivery wagons within the proposed site. This access would also serve the lower ground floor car parking area. This was an existing situation. Cars had the required turning within the car park to enter and exit the highway in forward gear. To mitigate the effects on pedestrians/ reversing vehicle conflicts, the applicant had agreed to improvements to this access which may be conditioned.

·          The Station Rise vehicular access would lead to car parking and turning for smaller delivery vehicles and cars. The size of vehicles accessing this facility would be restricted to that of the opening allowed above the entrance created by additional floors. This should ensure that vehicles accessing the site would be able to manoeuvre in and out of the site in forward gear into the one way traffic system.


·          The car parking accorded with CYC Appendix E parking standards.

·          Cycle parking was provided. Sought condition to ensure the cycle stands and enclosure were acceptable and the number of spaces accorded Appendix E minimum number of cycles. Sought following conditions HWAY18 (Cycle parking details to be agreed), HWAY 19 (Car and cycle parking laid out) , HWAY39 (Off site highway works, details required), and Method of Works Statement, and INF1


Officers advised that a further objection had been received which raised the following concerns:


·        Objector refers to the book ‘The North Eastern Railways Two Palaces of Business’ the former NE Railway HQ building (The Grand) is described as a “Palace of Business”. The former NER building was located on raised ground so that its height and presence boasted the status of the Railway Company.  The objector states that the space to the north of the NE Railway HQ was intended to expose the northern elevation of the building.  To fill in the space between The Grand and Yorkshire House with an extension would close off this space. 

·        Yorkshire House is described as a detractor in the Conservation Area Appraisal. (Officers advised that Yorkshire House was not identified as a detractor in the Central Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal)

·        To extend Yorkshire House would create harm to the listed building to the south,  to extend it by 6 storeys to create extra letting rooms to a building proposed for over 100 rooms is unjustifiable.  These views are shared by the Conservation Area Advisory Panel and the York Civic Trust. The Committee report concludes that the extension ‘causes no harm’ do not agree. (Officer confirmed that the committee report concluded that the proposed extension would result in harm but there were public benefits to outweigh this harm)( No comments have been received from CAAP or the Civic Trust with regards to the revised scheme).


·        There were few listed buildings in the city in a comparably prominent location and the majesty of the NE Railway HQ must be preserved for future generations to admire and enjoy, uncluttered by financially led modern extensions.


Officers informed the committee that Historic England had confirmed that they did not wish to add to their previous comments précised in paragraphs 3.35 to 3.36 of the report.


Officers stated that in light of the revised plan, the officer recommendation was revised to “Approval subject to revisions to Condition 2 (Plans) to include revised plans, condition 3 (Materials) and condition 6 (Landscaping)and additional conditions to include HWAY 19 (parking and manoeuvring of vehicles), HWAY 39 (details required of off site highway works),Method of Works and an additional informative in relation to on site consent to be obtained.


Janet O’Neill of O’Neill Associates addressed the committee. She advised them that she was speaking in objection to the application on behalf of her clients, the custodians of North East Railways (NER) on the grounds of the impact of the proposals on the grade 2* listed building. She confirmed they did not object to the change of use to a hotel but to the proposed extension. She circulated some photos which she explained showed the merits of the NER HQ building and which showed the important space between Yorkshire House and NER HQ and stated that filling in this space with a modern extension would close up part of that space.


Rachel Martin of ID Planning, agent for the applicant, then addressed the committee. She advised Members that they had undertaken a rigorous and comprehensive consultation process which had resulted in many amendments being made to the scheme to address concerns which had been raised, including the removal of the proposed rooftop extension and the reduction in height of the proposed side extension.  She advised Members that there was a market for a high quality hotel in the city and the proposals would lead to an increase in the number of tourists and visitor spend in the city. The proposals would also enhance the public realm of the site and accorded with national and local planning policy.


Some Members raised concern with regard to the loss of employment land and office space and questioned how many more hotels the city could cope with.


Members acknowledged the loss of office space but noted that hotels both created employment and brought people into the city, therefore there was a positive economic benefit in changing to hotel use, which was greater than a conversion to flats. They expressed the view that it was good to see the currently empty building brought back in use and so it could continue to provide some employment use.


Members noted the objections put forward on behalf of The Grand Hotel in relation to the proposed extension but did not concur with them and commented that if the detail of the  extension was of good quality, it would improve the site and service area behind it.


Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to the amendments and additional conditions listed below and the additional informative.


Revision Condition 2 (Plans)

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:-

Drawing Number 001 Revision A 'Proposed Design Lower Ground Floor Plan' received 17 November 2016;

Drawing Number 002 Revision B 'Proposed Design Upper Ground Floor Hotel Lobby/Bar/Restaurant' received 05 January 2017;

Drawing Number 003 Revision C 'Proposed Design Typical Hotel Plan 1 - 4 Including Light Void' received 10 January 2017;

Drawing Number 004 Revision C 'Proposed Design Typical Suites Level 5' received 10 January 2017;

Drawing Number 005 Revision C 'Proposed Design Roof Plan as Existing' 05 January 2017;

Drawing Number 006 Revision C 'Proposed Section 001' received 05 January 2017;

Drawing Number 007 Revision B 'Proposed Elevation 001 Elevation 003 received 21 December 2016;

Drawing Number 008 Revision B 'Proposed Elevation 004' received 21 December 2016;

Drawing Number 009 Revision B 'Proposed Elevation 002' received 21 December 2016;

Drawing Number 010 Revision B 'Proposed Elevation 001 Material Information Side Extension' received 21 December 2016;

Drawing Number 011 Revision C 'Proposed Elevation 001 Material Information Roof as Existing' received 05 January 2017;

Drawing Number 012 Revision B ' Proposed Upper Ground Level External Floor Finish' received 05 January 2017;

Drawing Number 017 Revision A 'Proposed Design Site Plan' received 17 November 2016;

Drawing Number 020 Revision A 'Proposed Design Typical Suites Level 6' received 05 January 2017;

Drawing Number 021 'Proposed Elevation 001 Context Levels' received 04 January 2017;

Drawing Number 022 'Proposed Diagrammatic Section Outline Context Levels' received 04 January 2017;

Drawing Number 024 'Proposed Diagrammatic Plan Context Levels' received 04 January 2017;

Drawing Number 025 revision A ‘Proposed Design Side Extension Typical Window Detail A’ received 10 January 2017;

Drawing Number 1609501b ‘Proposed Access Improvements’ received 16 January 2017;


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority


Revised Condition 3 (Materials)

Notwithstanding any proposed materials specified on the approved drawings or in the application form submitted with the application, samples of the external materials to be used (including details of the balustrades, access ramp, plinth for the outside seating area, the permanent planters) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the construction of the development.  The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.


For component repairs and repatching (e.g. removal of escape staircase and making good) a sample and details of the proposed external material to be used shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, to ensure that it is a good match for the existing. The development shall be carried out using the approved materials.


Note: Because of limited storage space at our offices it would be appreciated if sample materials could be made available for inspection at the site. Please make it clear in your approval of details application when the materials will be available for inspection and where they are located.


Reason:  So as to achieve a visually cohesive appearance. The site is within a conservation area and within the setting of a listed building and ancient scheduled monument.


Revised Condition 6 (Landscaping)

Prior to the first use of the building as a hotel a detailed landscaping scheme which shall illustrate the number, species, height and position of trees and shrubs of the landscaping to the Station Rise/North West elevation shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall also include hard/soft landscape details of the upper ground floor/external vehicle parking area, this shall include some soft landscaping.


The approved scheme shall be implemented within a period of six months of the completion of the development.  Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless alternatives are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  So that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the variety, suitability and disposition of species within the site. The Station Rise/North West elevation is prominent within the Central Historic Core Conservation Area and in key views of the Minister and the city walls (ancient Scheduled monument), therefore details are required to ensure the planting is visually acceptable.


Additional Condition  - HWAY 19

The building shall not be occupied until the areas shown on the approved plans for parking and manoeuvring of vehicles (and cycles, if shown) have been constructed and laid out in accordance with the approved plans, and thereafter such areas shall be retained solely for such purposes.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


Additional Condition - HWAY39

The development hereby permitted shall not come into use until the following highway works (which definition shall include works associated with any Traffic Regulation Order required as a result of the development, signing, lighting, drainage and other related works) have been carried out in accordance with details which shall have been previously submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, or arrangements entered into which ensure the same.


(i)           Works to include removal of radius kerbs and tactiles and installed dropped crossing in material to complement existing footway as shown  in Drawing Number 1609501b ‘Proposed Access Improvements’ received 16 January 2017.


Reason:  In the interests of the safe and free passage of highway users.


Additional Condition - Method of Works

Prior to the commencement of any works on the site, a detailed method of works statement identifying the programming and management of site clearance/ excavation/ preparatory and construction works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The statement shall include at least the following information;


-                   A dilapidation survey jointly undertaken with the Local Highway Authority

-                   The routing that will be promoted by the contractors to use main arterial routes and avoid the peak network hours

-                   How vehicles are to access and egress the site

-                   How pedestrians are to be safely routed past the site

-                   Details of any implications to the highway of demolition and waste removal vehicle operation

-                   Where contractors will park to avoid affecting the highway

-                   How large vehicles will service the site

-                    Where materials will be stored within the site

-                    Measures employed to ensure no mud/detritus is dragged out over the adjacent highway.


Reason: To ensure that the development can be carried out in a manner that will not be to the detriment of amenity of local residents, free flow of traffic or safety of highway users. The information is sought prior to commencement to ensure that it is initiated at an appropriate point in the development procedure.


Additional Informative

You are advised that prior to starting on site consent will be required from the Highway Authority for the works being proposed, under the Highways Act 1980 (unless alternatively specified under the legislation or Regulations listed below).  For further information please contact the officer named:

Section 278/62 – Michael Kitchen (01904 551336)

Streetworks Special Permission - Stuart Partington (01904) 551361


Reason:     The loss of the office space and the requirement for the hotel is accepted. The proposed 6 storey extension adjacent to the Grade II* listed building (The Grand Hotel)  is considered to result in 'less than substantial harm' to the setting of that listed building. . However the economic benefits of the development  are cumulatively considered to provide sufficient public benefit to clearly outweigh the less than substantial harm to the setting of the listed building, even when affording considerable importance and weight to that harm, and to the desirability of avoiding it.



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