Agenda item

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust - One year on

This paper updates Members on the position for mental health and learning disability services since Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) took on services for the Vale of York from 1st October 2015.



Members received a report which updated them on mental health and learning disability services in York since Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) took on services for the Vale of York from 1st October 2015.

The TEWV Director of Operations for York and Selby gave a short update to Members on the current state of Older People’s Services in the city. It was reported that issues had arisen over the year such as staff and patients being brought in from outside of York. In addition, practical steps needed to be taken on the estate of buildings used by the Trust and a number of public meetings had been arranged. The Trust would also be having a CQC inspection focusing on York within the coming year.


Questions and comments from Members included;


·                    How would the IAPT service model change?

·                   Would the move to Acomb Gables be disruptive and when would it take place?

·                   What was the current capacity for rehabilitation and recovery services offered?

·                   The biggest reduction in beds was for dementia patients, how would the provision continue to be provided?

·                   What information had been provided to the public for the criteria regarding the sites under consideration for the new Mental Health hospital?


In response to questions from Members, it was reported that;


·                   A number of changes had been made to the IAPT service model, such as self referral via the telephone. Waiting times were decreasing, 75% of patient were being seen with 6-8 weeks of referral. The model was more about early prevention and intervention and the Trust were also working with a number of partners including GPs (in particular to understand numbers being referred), students and Local Authorities.

·                    Building works would be complete at Acomb Gables at New Year.

·                   Although there were currently no beds for recovery and rehabilitation, intensive support had been provided for service users in the community.

·                   The provision for dementia patients would continue through a Care Home Liaison Service which would operate seven days a week, this would help to prevent admissions to care homes.


Further questions related to the public consultation and development of a new mental health hospital for York. It was noted that the public consultation date had been extended to 16 February and that the eventual aim was to have a new mental hospital in York by 2019. In regards to financing the hospital, discussions were still ongoing with NHS Property Services as the Trust leased an estate of buildings. An outcome and analysis report of the public consultation would be received at a CCG Board meeting.


The Chair suggested that representatives from the CCG and TEWV present the outcome and analysis report of the public consultation into the new mental health hospital for York at the Committee’s meeting in February. He added that it would also be useful to see the Trust’s CQC report at a future meeting.


Resolved: (i) That the update report be received and noted.


                 (ii) That representatives from Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust and NHS Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group present a report on the outcome and analysis of the public consultation into the new mental health hospital for York.


                (iii) That the Care Quality Commission’s report into Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust be received by the Committee.


Reason:   (i) To update Members on the work of Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust over the last twelve months.


                (ii) To inform the Committee of the outcome of the public consultation.


                (iii) To assess the performance of Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.   

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