Agenda item

Performance Update December 2015

This report asks the members of the Health and Wellbeing Board to note the latest available performance figures for the indicators agreed in December 2014.



Board Members considered a report that presented the latest available performance figures for the indicators agreed in December 2014.


Discussion took place around the following issues:

·        The development of more community options in respect of Adult Social Care.

·        Concerns regarding the low proportion of customers with care and support needs who say they feel safe.  Consideration was being given to extending the telecare offer but there was a need to address perceptions and give reassurance that York was a safe place in which to live.

·        Parties agreed to support the falls prevention work that was taking place.  This would be taken forward as a public health issue.

·        Work was taking place to improve take up of health checks for people with learning disabilities. Concerns were expressed that some people with learning disabilities had been charged to see their own health check outcomes. It was agreed that details would be forwarded to the York Clinical Commissioning Group to investigate.  There was also a need to ensure that appropriate links were in place with the work that was taking place through Applefields.   

·        It was noted that the current smoking cessation services in York had one of the lowest engagement rates in the country and the service was being re-commissioned as part of an integrated wellness service.

·        It was agreed that there were opportunities for organisations to work together in a more joined up way.  As well as sharing intelligence there were opportunities for organisations to signpost customers to sources of support.

·        Board Members were pleased to note that, for the first time in living memory, no vulnerable adult detained by the police under the Mental Health Act, had been taken into a police cell for the whole of last month.   

·        The need to better utilise the voluntary sector in York.  Charities, individuals, community and faith groups had much more to contribute in addressing some of the challenges that had been identified.

·        It was noted that, although there had been a fall in the number of hospital admissions as a result of self harm for 10-24 year olds, the Children’s Safeguarding Board had identified this issue as a priority.  The work that the YorOK Board was carrying out in respect of the happiness of young people in the city would be reported back to the Health and Wellbeing Board.

·        It was noted that a new NEETs strategy was being developed.  Whilst overall performance was good, there were significant challenges.  Over 30% of the NEET group had SEND. 

·        Board Members expressed concern at the Government cuts to public health funding which had been announced and the implications of the reduction in resources.  Board Members stressed the importance of early intervention and preventative work and requested that their concerns be forwarded to the Department of Health.1  Board Members noted that a scrutiny task group was looking at the issue of public health grants and how these were being spent and it was hoped that its findings would be reported to the Board.  Board Members suggested that there was a need to work together to collectively identify priorities and pool resources accordingly.  It was agreed that the voluntary sector played a key role in preventative work and it was important that they were engaged in the process.

·        Concerns were expressed that suicide rates had not been included under the section on children and young people and yet this had been raised as an issue by MIND and by the Students Union.  Board Members were informed that, until recently, it had not been possible to obtain timely statistics on this issue but more robust information on sudden deaths was now available.  Whilst there had been an increase in 2013/14 this situation had reversed last year.  A multi-agency group had been set up to consider the issue. Board Members noted that attempted suicides were also logged and agreed that there was a need to share this data.  It was noted that an item on suicide prevention had been included on the Board’s forward plan.


Resolved:  That the latest performance data for the suite of indicators agreed be noted.


Reason:     To monitor the latest performance information for the Health and Wellbeing Board.

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