Agenda item

Main Public Meeting

7pm to 9pm – Main Public Meeting


·        Neighbourhood Working: an overview of the Ward Budget

·        Pride in York: changes to the maintenance of parks and green spaces

·        Community Care: how funding can be used to meet local needs

·        Highways Fund: consultation on local improvement schemes

·        Community Grants: recent examples andhow to apply for funding

·        Ward Priorities: have your say on what these should be

·        Guildhall Ward Planning Panel: selection of members for the year

·        Open Floor and Community News: raise issues of interest or concern



1.      Welcome and introductions


Cllr Craghill, as Chair, welcomed everyone to the meeting on behalf of the ward Councillors, also introducing Joe Ashton.


2.      Neighbourhood working – presentation of new ward committee system and funding


Cllr Flinders said that since the election the new coalition executive for York has re-introduced the ward committee system, and that this comprises of the residents here tonight, who will feed into the work the councillors do by letting them know what issues are important and what the ward priorities are.


The monthly ward team meetings, comprising of local groups and the councillors will make decisions on the ward budgets and report these to ward committee meetings, as well as promoting joint working in the ward.


The ward committee will meet up to four times a year, and residents can also feed into councillors’ work through the regular ward surgeries, and by contacting ward councillors at any time.


The ward budget for 2015/16 is:


Ward grounds maintenance £107,996

Pride in York fund £13,895 + £42,431

Community care fund £5,211

Community grants £10,422

Highways £17,369


Ward grounds maintenance and Pride in York funds will decrease in the next three years.


The community care fund can be used to support the prevention or delay of people needing to access formal care packages, such as supporting social activities, support to address hazards in the home, accessible transport, support for carers, etc.


The highways maintenance fund is a small amount of funding for additional work such as lighting and road/pavement/cycleway repairs or improvements in the ward. This is over and above works done by the council city-wide. Residents are asked to use their local knowledge to identify these needs.


Cllr Craghill introduced the Pride in York (Grounds Maintenance) Funding. This includes a one-off fund which can be spent over the next 18 months, possibly longer. This enables wards to commission projects and initiatives that will help to make communities more self-sufficient and/or help to make the required levels of savings in the grounds maintenance budget for the ward over the next 2 – 3 years.


Q. What about people who do not have internet connection?

A. Councillors can also be contacted via phone or post. Contact details are on the agenda.


Q. is the entire council budget now devolved to wards?

A. No, just some small amounts as detailed tonight.


Q. how is the devolved budget linked to central decisions so that work isn’t duplicated?

A. We will be working with partner organisations so they shouldn’t be any duplication of work.


Q. regarding the grounds maintenance budget, are we to pick from the list available what we think is needed?

A. Yes, that is the aim.


Cllr Craghill said that the budgets are rather complex, particularly  the grounds maintenance budget and the next ward committee meeting will be a special meeting to look at this budget much more closely. Cuts need to be made, so residents’ views will be needed so that priorities are chosen.


Q. A lot of money is spent on keeping the city centre nice, which is part of the ward, such as for the Britain in Bloom competition, spending needs to be realistic.


Q. They are small amounts of money, what exactly are we deciding on?

A. The amounts mentioned are what residents will help decide on spending.


Q. Does this just mean more bureaucracy?

A. the Government is making massive cuts to local authority budgets. We are working with the system we have been given so residents will get a say on how the available money is spent.


Jon Stonehouse, City of York Council Director of Children’s' Services, Education and Skills, noted that the Executive has devolved these budgets so they reflect residents’ priorities. There is no long term proposal that major spending will be devolved locally to wards, but residents will get a say on how the ward budget is spent. There will be no duplication in spending as decisions will be agreed with council officers.


Q. What about Make it York spending as this will affect the ward?

A. This is the body that deals with tourism, marketing, city centre, economic development and other related functions.  The City Centre Manager is invited to ward team meetings so we can work in partnership. Also the possible Business Improvement District (BID) is worth noting as if this is agreed by businesses there will be potential implications for the ward.


Q. Can residents stop certain developments, such as the recent market development?

A. Ward councillors are well aware that residents have concerns about the market and whether or not the improvements are yet working effectively. Councillors are also aware of concerns about the Farmers’ Market.


3.      Community Care Fund


This is new funding, and not taken from the current adult social care budget. Again this is a small amount intended to help keep older people out of formal care for longer. Age UK and Older Citizens’ Advocacy York (OCAY) took part in a ward team meeting and made some practical suggestions for the use of the fund this year including for issuing winter care packs for the elderly, or to alert people to what support is available. Residents were asked if they had other suggestions.


Q. supporting OCAY would be important for support to elderly residents. Also Age UK.


Q. I agree; it would be good to support those who have the knowledge and skills.


Q. Is the fund just for elderly people?

A. The focus of the fund is older people – although at the same time all budgets are flexible and can be used to meet other needs.


Q. Could current local groups also be used to support this?

A. Yes, they could also apply for the community grants part of the ward funding.


4.      Highways Fund


A list of projects for the ward will be published in November and from this residents can help decide what priorities are for the £17,000 in the ward budget.  Residents can also suggest projects which are not on the list. It was also noted that this money, or part of it, can be saved for use in a future year for bigger projects if that is what residents want. This fund will be discussed again when the list is available.


Q. There are some road markings to assist people with disabilities on George Street that is faded; could this be used for that?

A. Yes


Q. Love Lane also has issues.

A. This will be looked at.


Q. Much better coordination between the council and electric and other utility companies needs to happen as sometimes work is completed then dug up and replaced.

A. This coordination should happen.


Q. What is happening about Fossgate, there seems to be a lack of decision on this?

A. Councillors are going to meet with the relevant council officer to discuss this.


5.      Community Grants


Cllr Craghill said that this core ward funding has been doubled for the next three years.  Application forms and guidance were distributed.


Q. Who decides on who gets the funding?

A. Councillors will decide along with the Ward Team.


Q. is there a list of groups that are based in the ward?

A. One will be produced and possibly posted on the Guildhall webpage or similar.


Q. Can guidance be found on setting up a residents’ association.

A. Yes, do contact councillors, Joe Ashton or the CVS.


Q. What are the timescales of applying?

A. as soon as possible. The Ward Team meets monthly where applications are decided.  Funds for this year end on 31st March 2016.


6.      Guildhall ward priorities


The revised ward priorities were read out. Cllr Craghill asked for a steer from residents if these are still relevant. Residents were asked to look at a number of possible priorities/aims and to comment on them. These will be taken away to be examined by the councillors, summarised and reported back. 


7.      Guildhall Ward Planning Panel


          Chris Edghill, the clerk and chair of the planning panel updated on the role of the panel, which scrutinises all planning applications in the ward. Meetings are every three weeks and new members are needed.


          Q. One resident noted the application at Rowntree Wharf that seems not to take into account health and safety issues. If this is the case what is the point of the panel?

A. Planning Panel comments are always taken into account by Planning Committee/officers and the work of the panel is highly valued, Guildhall being one of the most active planning panels in the city. Specific concerns can be looked at and do alert ward councillors too if you have any concerns such as this.


Those on the panel who wish to continue were re-elected. Four new members were also selected.


8.      Open floor and community news


Q. The foot-streets in the city centre are not working very well; cars are driving down them when they shouldn’t be.

A. This is an ongoing concern and it would be good to get someone form the Council to come and talk about this.


Q. Kings Square is also a concern as there is little to determine when the pavement ends and the road begins.


Q. A member of Greenfields noted the work they have done off Haxby Road making a community garden and orchard, and that more people are needed to keep this a success.


Q. Now it is autumn leaves are quite slippery.

A. Leafs will be collected soon and if there are any areas where this needs to be prioritised do let the council know.


Cllr Craghill thanked York Explore for hosting tonight’s meeting. The next meeting will look at the ground maintenance budget and will be held in January. There are also plans for future special meetings on the possibility of parishing/creating a neighbourhood plan in the Groves area and also a meeting to re-invigorate community activity in the Walmgate/Navigation area. Other suggestions from residents are welcome.




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