Agenda item

Land to the North of 37 And 38 St Marys, York, YO30 7DD (15/01157/FUL)

Erection of two storey detached dwelling [Guildhall Ward]

[Site Visit]


Members considered a full application from Mr and Mrs D Coidan for the erection of a two storey detached dwelling.


Mr Roger Wools addressed the committee on behalf of local residents in objection to the application. He advised that they did not object to the development of the site itself and had no concerns with the formerly proposed two cottage style houses, however residents felt that these proposals constituted overdevelopment and would cause harm to the conservation area. He raised concerns over the residential amenity and overlooking/privacy of 36 and 37 St Mary’s, the density of proposed building and the limited outside space which could put pressure on the garage roof being used. He stated that there was nothing similar in the immediate locality and the building would be very visible at night. As 60% of the proposed roof was flat, it would appear incongruous in the conservation area and surrounded by traditional 19 century townhouses. He asked the committee to refuse the application in order that a more suitable design could be put forward which would sit better in the conservation area.


Mr Mark Bramhall, the agent for the applicant, spoke in support of the application. He reminded members that the site already had permission for “cottage style” houses, permission for which had been granted in 2013. Those proposals included views out of the site in all directions. He advised that the new proposals were not significantly higher and confirmed that the garage roof would not be available for access and this would be a green roof. The density of the site was comparable to the extant permission, not including the garage. The proposed building materials would fit in with other surrounding buildings and the modern form would fit in well into the historic setting.


Some members raised concerns about the effects on the amenity of residents in St Mary’s and Bootham Terrace and did not feel it was the right proposal for the area. Members however acknowledged that any type of property built on this site would have views over adjoining properties. They noted that York was made up of many different styles of building and many of properties in the vicinity were large statement individual buildings or terraces, some overbearing themselves, but these had matured and the area had become one of the most desirable in the city. If well constructed they felt there was no reason why a modern house could not enhance and add value to the area. They did not feel the house would impact on houses in Bootham Terrace due to distance, and agreed the main impact would be on no 37 and 38 St Mary’s. They agreed that there were no planning reasons for refusal and felt that, on balance, it was appropriate in the area.


Resolved:  That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report.


Reason:     The proposal as amended would sit low within the townscape and would be of a comparable scale and massing to surrounding buildings. It would also be detached in key long and short distance views within the Conservation Area and the setting of adjacent Listed Buildings. Whilst constructed in a modern idiom, materials that find reference in the locality are also used. It is felt that the requirements of Section 66 and Section 72 of the 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act in respect of preserving and enhancing the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and the setting of adjacent Listed Buildings are achieved. Providing  the proposed flat green roof above the garage area is not used as terrace then there would not be any material harm to the residential amenity of the adjacent property Constantine House.



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