Agenda item

Public Participation

It is at this point in the meeting that members of the public who have registered to speak can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Thursday 30 October 2014.  Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the remit of the committee.


To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.


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It was reported that there had been eight registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and that three Members of the Council had also requested to speak.


Heidi Haywood, spoke as manager of the Door 84 Youth Club, to express her concerns at the proposed changes to the services currently provided at Castlegate. She referred to the proposed move to West Offices, which would be the first point of contact for vulnerable young people, and highlighted the unsuitability of the building. She requested members not to support the proposed changes and support relocation to a building dedicated to young people. 


Dr Stephen Wright spoke as a local resident and early intervention physiatrist referring to the successful work undertaken at Castlegate. In particular he referred to the need for more outreach work with young people around mental health issues and to future problems if any barriers were put in the way of young people gaining access to help when required. He highlighted the need for agencies to work together, combining resources to provide early assistance and for further consultation.


David Smith referred to his campaigning over mental health issues in the city over a number of years. He referred to Castlegate, a service set up by the Council specifically to meet the needs of young people, a popular, safe and effective place. He highlighted the inappropriateness of West Offices and referred to references, both in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and from the Health and Wellbeing Board in which they recommended improvements in mental health in the city and the need for early intervention. He also referred to a lack of consultation with those affected which included the Clinical Commissioning Group and the Voluntary Sector.


Hannah Jobling, spoke as a Lecturer in Social Work at the University of York, highlighting the specialist work provided by Castlegate. She referred to the breadth of knowledge available,  and to the lifetime of savings the service provided from a small investment in young peoples services. She reiterated the need for early intervention and to a holistic approach provided with partners asking that young people should not bear the brunt of the cuts.


Lara Foster spoke in support of the Castlegate petition, pointing out that the centre provided a lifeline for young people. She referred to her experiences of using Castlegate, to the services it offered and to the invaluable help it had provided. She pointed out that the centre had enabled her to turn her life around and the debt she owed the service.


Dawn Moores spoke to ask Members to reconsider their decision in relation to the Castlegate Centre and its services. She confirmed that staff were looking at alternative plans for the provision however this would prove to be difficult prior to the 31 March 2015 deadline. She referred to numerous strategies and plans which all promoted the need for a holistic and wraparound approach to dealing with young people’s services.


John Walker spoke on behalf of York Action on Young Homeless. He circulated copies of the 22nd edition of the Young People’s Survival Guide to York, a booklet produced by Castlegate but in conjunction with many other bodies. He highlighted the usefulness of the guide to young people and to the possibility that this would not continue following the proposed changes. He referred to the need to invest in prevention and asked the Committee to listen to young people and continue with the swift holistic interventions.


Councillor Richardson expressed his support for the work carried out at Castlegate and to the unique services offered to young people. He highlighted the trust built up between young people and the youth and community workers which he felt would not be possible in the setting of West Offices. He requested the Committee to find similar alternative premises or retain Castlegate.


Councillor Brooks spoke to confirm that many of her points had been covered by earlier speakers. She pointed out that Members should no longer be in any doubt about the excellent services provided at Castlegate and to the inadequacy of West Offices to provide a confidential and personal setting in which young people could gain advice. She referred to the lack of consultation, pointing out that any budget savings made from the changes would result in additional costs in the future.


Councillor Scott had also registered to speak at the meeting but, in his absence, Councillor King read his comments. As the Children’s and Young People’s Champion, when Castlegate had been opened, Cllr Scott referred to the extensive consultation carried out in order to gain the views of young people on facilities at Castlegate. He indicated that an suitable alternative city centre location for the service needed to be found as West Offices would be a barrier to vulnerable young people gaining access to these vital services. He requested referral back of the recommendations to allow Cabinet to reconsider the decisions made.



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