Agenda item

Access York Road Safety Audits.

This report considers issues raised in the Stage 2 Road Safety Audits (RSA) for the proposed Park and Ride facilities at Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar.


RESOLVED:  (i) That it be noted that Stage 2 RSAs have been completed for both proposed Park and Ride facilities at both Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar.


Reason:              To acknowledge the completion of this milestone in the project


                     (ii)    That it be agreed that the Designer’s Responses where they consider that the RSA recommendation should not or cannot be achieved be supported.


Reason:              To enable the scheme to be constructed thus enabling the programme for Access York to be maintained and secure Departmental Funding.


                    (iii)    That it be agreed to support the proposed CYC recommendation to the Designers Response where clarification is requested by the designer.


Reason:              To enable the scheme to be constructed thus enabling the programme for Access York to be maintained and secure Departmental funding.                  

REASON:           To reduce the risk of incidents and improve road safety.



The Cabinet Member received a report which considered issues raised in Stage 2 Road Safety Audits (RSA) for the proposed Park and Ride facilities at Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar.


In their update to the Cabinet Member, Officers reported that they had received written representations from a garage owner and one from a resident in Cinder Lane, in relation to the A59/A1237 Roundabout improvements at Poppleton Bar.


Further representations were received from Paul Hepworth, he asked a couple of questions including; if a continuous signposted route existed from the Park & Ride car park into Northfield Lane and therefore could Officers assure him that there would be a reasonable cycle route into the site.


Questions from the Cabinet Member to the Officers related to a number of the exceptions (were the Designer did not accept or partially accepted the recommendations of the Council’s Road Safety Audit team) listed in the Officer’s report. The Cabinet Member made a series of questions that related to the RSA’s problem locations, which were included in tables in the Officer’s report. He asked if at the proposed junction at the A59 that there was enough space to allow for a 1.2 metre wide cycle lane at the mid junction link between Station Road & North Field Lane. He also questioned the use of part time signals on the A59/ A1237 junction approaches. He also asked for clarification on the pedestrian facilities in the car park and questioned the restrictions on the bus access route at Askham Bar.


Officers responded that the junction would allow for a 1.2 metre cycle lane. They also replied in relation to part time signals that they would not want to introduce these straightaway but would install infrastructure which would allow for the possibility of the signals to be installed in the future. The signals should not alter the entry or exit of vehicles to/from the roundabout as a give way line would be present.


In clarification about the pedestrian facilities in the Park and Ride car park, Officers explained that bus traffic would be kept separate from the car park, in that it would be gated off. This would mean that pedestrians would not be crossing over an existing bus route, which is why they felt zebra crossings did not need to be installed.


RESOLVED:  (i) That it be noted that Stage 2 RSAs have been completed for both proposed Park and Ride facilities at both Askham Bar and Poppleton Bar.


Reason:              To acknowledge the completion of this milestone in the project


                     (ii)    That it be agreed that the Designer’s Responses where they consider that the RSA recommendation should not or cannot be achieved be supported.


Reason:              To enable the scheme to be constructed thus enabling the programme for Access York to be maintained and secure Departmental Funding.


                    (iii)    That it be agreed to support the proposed CYC recommendation to the Designers Response where clarification is requested by the designer.


Reason:              To enable the scheme to be constructed thus enabling the programme for Access York to be maintained and secure Departmental funding.                  

REASON:           To reduce the risk of incidents and improve road safety.


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