Agenda item

Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion under Standing Order 12:


A – Motions referred from the Cabinet in accordance with Standing Order 12.1(a)(copies of the relevant report to the Cabinet and an extract from the Cabinet minutes are attached)




B – Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Order 12.1(b)


(i)           From Cllr Simpson-Laing


Council expresses concern over the introduction of the Local Housing Allowance which will financially impact York residents on low incomes.


Council notes that the allowance is sub-regionally calculated which results in an average allowance that falls short of even the lowest 30% priced private sector housing costs in the City.


Council is concerned that:

a.           many residents will be faced with possible homelessness, with the cost falling on the Council.

b.           there will be no housing for low paid workers who will be forced out of the City.

c.           the Housing Benefit cut will result  in poor social cohesion and a lack of mixed communities.


Council requests the Chief Executive to write to Grant Shapps requesting that areas of high rent, such as the City of York Council, are given special consideration so that the Local Housing Allowance is not affected by lower rent in the sub -regional area.”


(ii)          From Cllr Richardson


“Council acknowledges that the changes to ward funding provisions incorporated as part of CYC’s new “Neighbourhood Working” model will have the effect of reducing ward funding to York’s outer villages and will therefore significantly impact those activities this funding has previously supported, in particular local youth provisions in rural and suburban areas which rely on ward budget grants for most of their operating expenses.


Council therefore asks officers to prepare two reports for Cabinet:


Firstly, to examine how and where replacement money can be found to continue to fund youth provisions in York’s outer wards, given that these wards will no longer be able to rely upon ward-specific grants to fund their activities; and


Secondly, to review the issue of the funding of youth provisions on a council-wide basis to correct any anomalies which have developed over time between the funding of youth organisations within the city centre wards and those in the council’s outer wards in order to insure parity of funding for youth provisions throughout the city.”


(iii)        From Cllr Reid


“Council notes the significant improvement in the proportion of waste that has been recycled under the previous Liberal Democrat administration, from 12% in 2003 to 45% in 2011.

Council supports the principle that waste collection and recycling should be convenient and fair to residents across the city.

In light of the fact that the Budget 2012/13 has deleted the provision of a Recycling and Reuse Centre in the west of the city, Council requests that the Cabinet halts the closure plan for Beckfield Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Council also supports the principle of the provision of a free receptacle for the collection of waste to all residents across the city requests that the provision of free black bin bags should continue to all areas of the city where wheeled bins are not in use.”


(iv)        From Cllr Alexander


“Council believes that people and the economy do not recognise authority boundaries.


The Government’s enforced demise of the Regional Development Agencies and the drive towards Local Enterprise Partnerships have undermined the cohesion of the recognised regions and the counties.


Council resolves to lead a campaign for regional government for Yorkshire and the Humber.”










At this point in the meeting, the guillotine fell and the motions and amendments were deemed moved and seconded and were voted on without debate.


(i)           Local Housing Allowance


It was moved by Cllr Simpson-Laing and seconded by Cllr Boyce that:


“Council expresses concern over the introduction of the Local Housing Allowance which will financially impact York residents on low incomes.


Council notes that the allowance is sub-regionally calculated which results in an average allowance that falls short of even the lowest 30% priced private sector housing costs in the City.


Council is concerned that:

a.           many residents will be faced with possible homelessness, with the cost falling on the Council.

b.           there will be no housing for low paid workers who will be forced out of the City.

c.           the Housing Benefit cut will result  in poor social cohesion and a lack of mixed communities.


Council requests the Chief Executive to write to Grant Shapps requesting that areas of high rent, such as the City of York Council, are given special consideration so that the Local Housing Allowance is not affected by lower rent in the sub -regional area.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was:


RESOLVED:             That the above notice of motion be approved.1



(ii)          Neighbourhood Working Funding


It was moved by Cllr Richardson and seconded by Cllr Galvin that:


“Council acknowledges that the changes to ward funding provisions incorporated as part of CYC’s new “Neighbourhood Working” model will have the effect of reducing ward funding to York’s outer villages and will therefore significantly impact those activities this funding has previously supported, in particular local youth provisions in rural and suburban areas which rely on ward budget grants for most of their operating expenses.


Council therefore asks officers to prepare two reports for Cabinet:


Firstly, to examine how and where replacement money can be found to continue to fund youth provisions in York’s outer wards, given that these wards will no longer be able to rely upon ward-specific grants to fund their activities; and


Secondly, to review the issue of the funding of youth provisions on a council-wide basis to correct any anomalies which have developed over time between the funding of youth organisations within the city centre wards and those in the council’s outer wards in order to insure parity of funding for youth provisions throughout the city.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared LOST and it was:


RESOLVED:             That the above notice of motion be not approved.



(iii)        Waste Collection and Recycling


It was moved by Cllr Reid and seconded by Cllr Runciman that:


“Council notes the significant improvement in the proportion of waste that has been recycled under the previous Liberal Democrat administration, from 12% in 2003 to 45% in 2011.

Council supports the principle that waste collection and recycling should be convenient and fair to residents across the city.

In light of the fact that the Budget 2012/13 has deleted the provision of a Recycling and Reuse Centre in the west of the city, Council requests that the Cabinet halts the closure plan for Beckfield Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre.

Council also supports the principle of the provision of a free receptacle for the collection of waste to all residents across the city requests that the provision of free black bin bags should continue to all areas of the city where wheeled bins are not in use.”



Under his constitutional authority, the Lord Mayor then referred the above motion to Cabinet for urgent consideration and requested a report on the associated implications.


RESOLVED:             That the above motion be referred for urgent consideration to Cabinet on 3 April 2012 together with an officer report addressing the full implications. 3.


(iv)     Regional Government


It was moved by Cllr Alexander and seconded by Cllr Riches that:


“Council believes that people and the economy do not recognise authority boundaries.


The Government’s enforced demise of the Regional Development Agencies and the drive towards Local Enterprise Partnerships have undermined the cohesion of the recognised regions and the counties.


Council resolves to lead a campaign for regional government for Yorkshire and the Humber.”


Councillor Aspden then moved and Cllr Runciman seconded, an amendment to the above motion as follows:


“In the second paragraph -Delete “enforced demise” replace with “removal”


Delete all words “undermined the cohesion of the recognised regions and the counties”, replace with “changed the relationship between recognised regions and the local authorities within them.”


In the third paragraph - Add Council resolves to lead a campaign for regional government “with appropriate powers” for Yorkshire and the Humber.”


On being put to the vote the amendment was declared LOST.


The original motion was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED:                That the above motion be approved. 4.



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