Agenda item

Public Participation

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or a matter within the Cabinet’s remit can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5:00 pm on Monday 5 March 2012.


It was reported that there had been one registration to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme and that four Members of Council had also requested to speak.


Councillor Galvin spoke in respect of agenda item 7 – “Neighbourhood Working – A New Approach”.  He stated that there was a lack of clarity in the report and it failed to recognise the knowledge that Members had about their own wards and the priorities of residents.  He urged that all Members be consulted about any changes to the existing arrangements and that, if necessary, the existing arrangements be retained but with a reduced ward budget.


Councillor D’Agorne spoke in respect of agenda item 7 – “Neighbourhood Working – A New Approach”.  He stated that there was a lack of clarity in the report and cited a number of examples.   Councillor D’Agorne also expressed concern at the impact that the cuts in budget and in staffing would have on local communities.  He also raised issues as to whether the voluntary sector would have the capacity to take on increased responsibilities and stated that the proposed arrangements could lead to increased bureaucracy.


Councillor Healey spoke in respect of agenda item 8 – “The Community Stadium: Business Case”.  He queried a number of issues in the report including:  the reduction in the contribution from York City FC, the claw back arrangements and the need for there to be signed letters of intent.  Councillor Healey expressed concern that, because some of the information in respect of the business case was restricted, it was difficult to scrutinise this significant public investment.


Councillor Warters spoke in respect of two issues within the remit of the Cabinet.  He reiterated concerns raised at the previous meeting about the Military Covenant and urged that support be shown for military families on the housing list, particularly in relation to the Derwenthorpe development.   He requested that a written response be provided.  The Chair stated that he had discussed this issue with the Chief Executive and that a written response would be forwarded.


Councillor Warters then spoke in respect of agenda item 8 – “Community Stadium: Business Case”.  He expressed concern about a number of issues including, the reduction in the proposed contribution from York FC, the siting of athletics facilities at the university and the impact on city centre retail.  Councillor Warters stated that there was also a lack of tangible evidence in respect of issues such as the number of jobs that would be created.   He urged that the process be carried out in an open and transparent manner and that the Cabinet also take into account the need for funding to be allocated to Osbaldwick for open space replacement.


Virginia Shaw spoke in respect of agenda item 8 – “Community Stadium: Business Case”.  She expressed concern that such a major project had reached this stage before a business case had been presented.  Concerns were also raised in respect of the spending of public money on architects, the duplication of existing provision, the increase in traffic and the impact that congestion would have on air quality and the effect on city centre business.  The Chair responded to issues that had been raised and explained that some of these matters would be for the Planning Committee to consider.


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