Agenda item

Proposed University Campus Lying Between Field Lane, Common Lane, A 64 Trunk Road and Hull Road, York (08/02543/REMM)

Construction of central lake and raising of Kimberlow Hill, University of York. [Heslington Ward]


Members considered a major reserved matters application, submitted by the University of York, for the construction of the central lake and raising of Kimberlow Hill at the Heslington East campus.


Officers reminded the Committee that this application had been considered at their meeting on 25 June 2009 when the application had been approved subject to Officers being given delegated powers to approve the final details of certain submitted plans. Officers confirmed that some of the revised plans and the phasing of construction work conflicted with previously agreed conditions and the application had therefore to be brought back for members’ consideration.


Officers updated that since the agenda had been published the plans had continued to be updated and that final plans had now been submitted. An updated list of recommended conditions was circulated (copy attached to the agenda).


Representations in support of the application were received from the applicant agents. He explained that Arup had been involved in the scheme since November 2009 and that work had moved forward with the provision of a temporary drainage system to protect the site during the construction period. Technical issues had caused delays but drawings had now been revised and the phasing reduced to one single phase for completion by July 2010, the temporary drainage works would be redundant after this time.


Members questioned the authorities recourse if work was not completed by the October 2010 deadline. Officers confirmed that the authority could take enforcement action if they felt it was expedient to do so.


In answer to questions, Officers confirmed that recent visits had shown that all the temporary drainage works were connected and that the drains had been cleared and were functioning properly.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED:             That the committee resolution of 25 June 2009 be superseded and that the application be approved subject to the amended conditions set out below:


1.   The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved plans numbered:  DD110317.L.401/F(A),  70072/SK67,  770072/SK68,  70072/SK69,  70072/SK73,  700072/SK74,  70072/SK75,  70072/SK76,  70072/SK77,  70072/SK70,  70072/SK71,  70072/SK72,  70072/107/D,  70072/180/F,  70072/183/E,  70072/LO1C,  70072/132/D,  H128-YU-005/B,  MMD-264263-S-DR-H128-YU-010/E,  CP000318-A/B,  H128-002/P1, MMD-264263-C-DR-H128-YU-240/D,MMD-264263-S-DR-H128-YU-274/C, MMD-264263-S-DR-H128-YU-270/F,  70072/229,  70072/238,  H128-YU-100/C,  MMD-264263-C-DR-H128-YU-100/A,  70072/241/B  and  H128-YU-SK101/AB



2.     The works hereby approved shall be constructed and be fully operational in their entirety prior to 1 October 2010.  The temporary drainage works, as described in the agent's letter dated 15 December 2009 and the accompanying ARUP report dated 1 December 2009 and in drawing no. H128-YU-SK101/AB received on 17 March 2010, shall be retained in place and operational until the central lake and the discharge controls contained within the outlet control centre are completed and fully operational.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the principle of the use, sustainability, drainage, landscape and topography, ecology and biodiversity, and movement and access.   As such the proposal complies with Policies GP1, GP4a, GP9, GP15A, NE7 and ED9 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft. 

Supporting documents:


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