Agenda item

Land Lying to the West of Whitehall Grange, Wigginton Road, York (10/00143/FULM)

Construction of up to 600 vehicle space park and ride facility with associated access, passenger terminal building, ground mounted photovoltaic solar array and landscape bund. [Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without Ward] [Site Visit]


Consideration was given to a major full application, submitted by Mr Paul Thackray, for the construction of up to 600 vehicle space car park and ride facility with associated access, passenger terminal building and ground mounted photovoltaic solar array.


Officers updated and reported receipt of the following information since the agenda had been published:

  • Request by the Environmental Protection Unit for the inclusion of an additional condition in respect of an acoustic noise barrier;
  • Emailed concerns raised by Cllr D Merrett in relation to cycle lane provision on Wigginton Road and the provision for pedestrians at the Stirling Road entrance to the site.


Representations in support of the application were made by the applicant who reminded the Committee that the Park and Ride schemes were integral to the Local Transport Strategy in seeking to reduce congestion and traffic delay to and from the city centre as well as minimising pollution levels. He explained that the main purpose of the site was to catch traffic on the B1363 corridor and relieve pressure on other Park and Ride sites. He also confirmed that once approved further consideration would be given to bus stop siting.


Councillor Waudby confirmed that she welcomed this Park and Ride site, which she hoped, would remove some traffic on the outer ring road. She asked for some deterrent to commuter parking and access to Clifton Moor and that buses would be scheduled at times to coincide with hospital visiting.


Officers confirmed that some of the issues raised by Cllr Merrett did not directly relate to the planning application but could be examined at the detailed design stage as part of the highway works.


Members questioned various aspects of the proposals including:

  • Disruption that would be caused with the two phased development of the site;
  • How the vehicle capacity of the site had been calculated;
  • Proposed Park and Ride route into the city centre;
  • Confirmation that the car park would be closed at night and supervised during the day to ensure that owners of parked vehicles did use the Park and Ride service;
  • Safety concerns regarding cyclists;
  • Confirmation that lighting would be dark sky compliant and only in use during hours of operation;
  • Concerns that the landscaping scheme should preserve the openness of the site;
  • Concerns that the service would not penetrate into the city centre;
  • As ponds were part of the scheme that, if required, barriers were erected in an effort to prevent Greater Crested Newts from accessing areas used by vehicles. Officers confirmed that the Countryside Officer would liaise with the applicant in relation to this point.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the imposition of conditions listed in the report.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to impact upon the open character and purposes of designation of the Green Belt, justification for and sustainability of the scheme, impact upon the landscape setting of a principal approach to the City, impact upon the natural environment and local biodiversity, impact upon the safety and convenience of highway users in the vicinity of the access points to the site, provision for pedestrians and cyclists entering and leaving the site, impact of the chosen mode of renewable energy generation over and above the alternative available possibilities and impact of the proposal upon the amenity of nearby residential properties and the surrounding landscape. As such the proposal complies with Policy YH9 and Y1C of The Yorkshire and Humber Plan, policies GP1, GP3, SP8, GP4a), GP9, GB1, T6 and GP5 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan and Government policy contained within Planning Policy Guidance note 2 'Green Belts'.

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