Agenda item

Called-In Item: Beckfield Lane - Extension of Cycle Route

To consider the decisions taken by the Executive Member for City Strategy on the above item, which have been called in by Councillors Simpson-Laing, B Watson and Horton in accordance with the provisions of the Council’s Constitution. A cover report is attached setting out the reasons for the call-in and the remit and powers of the call-in procedure, together with the original report to and decisions of the Executive Member.


Consideration was given to a report, which asked Members to consider the decisions made by the Executive Member for City Strategy at the Decision Session held on 20 October 2009.


Details of the Executive Members decisions were attached as Annex 1 to the report. The original report to the Decision Session was attached as Annex 2. The decisions had been called in by Councillors Simpson-Laing, B Watson and Horton on the grounds that:


“The Executive Member:

·        Pre-judged the issue and failed to take into consideration the numerous objections of local residents

·        Failed to respond to the financial justification arguments

·        Failed to respond to legal highway arguments

·        Showed ignorance of the layout of Beckfield Lane and its geometry

·        Failed to take notice of the City Council's Cycle Champion's comments and those of the Cycle Campaign Group.”


Members were invited to decide whether to confirm the decisions of the Executive Member (Option A) or to refer them back to the Executive Member for re-consideration and/or amendment (Option B).


Councillor B Watson addressed the meeting on behalf of the Calling In Members. He pointed out the dangers of shared use facilities and particularly to the speed of cyclists. He referred to the poor sight lines on Beckfield Lane, which were obscured by trees and hedges, and to the dangers posed to cyclists with drivers reversing and accessing the numerous drives and side roads. He also referred to the pedestrian islands which had previously been provided for safety reasons, following accidents in the area and which it was now proposed to remove.  He pointed out that this was a badly thought out scheme which took no account of residents and other consultees views.


In response to Cllr B Watson’s comments and Members questions, Officers confirmed that shared use paths were potentially less safe but that Department of Transport guidelines provided support and advice on how they could be provided in a safe manner. It was pointed out that similar shared facilities were used around the city with no problems being encountered.


After a full debate, Cllr Horton moved that Option B be approved and that the decisions be referred back to the Executive Member for consideration and that he be asked not to progress the scheme in its current form but give consideration to it later in the programme. Cllr Simpson-Laing seconded the motion, which was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was therefore


RESOLVED: That Option B be approved and that the decisions be referred back to the Executive Member for City Strategy for reconsideration, and in doing so the Executive Member be asked to:


a)     not progress the scheme in its current form and

b)     give further consideration to a revised scheme later in the programme, following the completion of other more well supported cycling schemes.


REASON:                  In accordance with the procedures set out in the Council’s Constitution for dealing with called-in decisions, and to address the points raised by the Calling-in Members.



Councillors Orrell, R Watson and Waudby abstained from this decision.

Supporting documents:


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