Issue - meetings

A19/Crockey Hill - Proposed Highway Layout Changes

Meeting: 17/08/2017 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 23)

23 A19 Pinch Point Scheme Phase 2 - Crockey Hill pdf icon PDF 212 KB

This report presents a design proposal for the second phase of the Pinch Point Scheme concerning the A19 south transport corridor and asks for approval from the Executive Member to implement the proposed engineering works situated at the junction of the A19 and Wheldrake Lane, at Crockey Hill.

Additional documents:


Resolved: That the Executive Member;


                                     I.        Noted the results of the public consultation relating to Phase 2 of the A19 Pinch Point Scheme.

                                   II.        Approved the proposed design for Phase 2 works at Crockey Hill with additional signs relating to merging in turn and using both lanes, and directed Officers to proceed to implementation.

                                  III.        Agreed that Officers would give consideration to using any contingency funding in the scheme for the proposed shared use path within the western verge and this would be reviewed as the project progressed.


Reason:     The recommended design offers the best deliverable solution to increasing the southbound vehicular capacity of the A19 through Crockey Hill, whilst relieving some of the exit blocking currently experienced at the A64/A19 Fulford Interchange.



The Executive Member considered the report and noted the results of the public consultation relating to Phase 2 of the A19 Pinch Point Scheme, as shown at Annex A.


The Executive Member thanked Officers for their report and asked that consideration be given to the erection of signs requesting drivers to use both lanes and to merge in turn.  He also requested that consideration be given to the addition of a cycle lane, the Ward Member for Wheldrake having offered to make a contribution to the cost of this.


Officers agreed to keep the cycle lane under review as the project progressed and also give consideration to the request for the new signs.


Resolved: That the Executive Member;


                                     I.        Noted the results of the public consultation relating to Phase 2 of the A19 Pinch Point Scheme.

                                   II.        Approved the proposed design for Phase 2 works at Crockey Hill with additional signs relating to merging in turn and using both lanes, and directed Officers to proceed to implementation.

                                  III.        Agreed that Officers would give consideration to using any contingency funding in the scheme for the proposed shared use path within the western verge and this would be reviewed as the project progressed.


Reason:     The recommended design offers the best deliverable solution to increasing the southbound vehicular capacity of the A19 through Crockey Hill, whilst relieving some of the exit blocking currently experienced at the A64/A19 Fulford Interchange.




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