Issue - meetings

Proposed Long Term Leases - West Bank Park, Glen Gardens, Scarcroft Green and Clarence Gardens

Meeting: 26/01/2017 - Executive (Item 104)

104 Proposed Long Term Leases - West Bank Park, Glen Gardens, Scarcroft Green and Clarence Gardens pdf icon PDF 221 KB

This report seeks an Executive decision on granting long term leases to the following clubs/associations using the bowling/croquet facilities at West Bank Park; Glen Gardens Bowling Green; Clarence Gardens and Scarcroft Green.


Additional documents:



That the Executive agree to:-




The letting of West Bank Park Bowling Green, Glen Gardens Bowling Green and Clarence Gardens Bowling Green to the respective Bowling Clubs/Bowls Association, for a Term of 25 years, at a peppercorn rent, in accordance with the lease terms as set out in the Council’s Asset Transfer Policy.



The letting of Scarcroft Green Bowling Green and Croquet Lawns to Scarcroft Green Association for a Term of 99 years at a peppercorn rent in accordance with the lease terms set out in the Council’s Asset Transfer Policy.



To transfer maintenance and repair responsibilities to the club.



To transfer maintenance and repair responsibilities for the respective facilities to the respective clubs/associations.



Members considered a report regarding the granting of long term leases to the following clubs/associations using the bowling / croquet facilities at West Bank Park; Glen Gardens Bowling Green; Clarence Gardens and Scarcroft Green.

Officers confirmed that the clubs had been heavily involved in the process over the last three years and that leasing the sites would enable the clubs to apply for external investment from both local and national funders.

The Executive Member confirmed his support for the leasing of these valuable community assets to provide security for the clubs who aided social inclusion.


That the Executive agree to:-




The letting of West Bank Park Bowling Green, Glen Gardens Bowling Green and Clarence Gardens Bowling Green to the respective Bowling Clubs/Bowls Association, for a Term of 25 years, at a peppercorn rent, in accordance with the lease terms as set out in the Council’s Asset Transfer Policy.



The letting of Scarcroft Green Bowling Green and Croquet Lawns to Scarcroft Green Association for a Term of 99 years at a peppercorn rent in accordance with the lease terms set out in the Council’s Asset Transfer Policy. 1.



To transfer maintenance and repair responsibilities to the club.



To transfer maintenance and repair responsibilities for the respective facilities to the respective clubs/associations.



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