Issue - meetings

'A' Boards - Petition

Meeting: 10/11/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 42)

42 Response to Petition: Advertising Boards ('A' Boards) and other Equipment on the Public Highway pdf icon PDF 175 KB

The purpose of this report is to advise the Executive Member of the receipt of a petition, which seeks an amendment to the resolution of the Executive (made on 25 August 2016)and makes recommendations in response to the petition.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That the resolution of the Executive, of 25 August 2016, as highlighted at Annex B of the Officer’s report be reaffirmed.


Reason:   (i)To provide adequate control of the many and varied obstructions (particularly for those with impaired mobility for example, blind and/or partially sighted) temporarily located on the public highway. This taking into account of the Council’s responsibilities under the

Highways Act 1980, the Equality Act 2010 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


(ii) To mitigate the impact on the visual amenity of the conservation area and setting of the many listed buildings in the city centre.


(iii) To contribute further to the removal of street clutter, improve the street scene and public realm.


The Executive Member received a report which advised him of the receipt of a petition which sought an amendment to the resolution of the Executive made on 25 August 2016, in respect of Advertising Boards (‘A’ Boards) and other equipment on the public highway, and made recommendations in response to the petition.


It was reported that a further consultation event had taken place since the Executive meeting in August. The Executive Member had also received photographs from a local resident which showed the city in the early morning before the ‘A’ Boards had been set out and afterwards when they were all on display.  The requests for ‘A’ Boards in the prohibited zone of Micklegate would be kept on a register to see how this would work and then the Executive would in twelve months time decide whether to implement the policy full time.


Resolved: That the resolution of the Executive, of 25 August 2016, as highlighted at Annex B of the Officer’s report be reaffirmed.


Reason:   (i)To provide adequate control of the many and varied obstructions (particularly for those with impaired mobility for example, blind and/or partially sighted) temporarily located on the public highway. This taking into account of the Council’s responsibilities under the

Highways Act 1980, the Equality Act 2010 and Town & Country Planning Act 1990.


(ii) To mitigate the impact on the visual amenity of the conservation area and setting of the many listed buildings in the city centre.


(iii) To contribute further to the removal of street clutter, improve the street scene and public realm.


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