Issue - meetings

Consideration of Petition received requesting Residents' Priority Parking on Trentholme Drive

Meeting: 14/04/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 70)

70 Consideration of petition received requesting Residents' Priority Parking on Trentholme Drive (Micklegate Ward) pdf icon PDF 81 KB

This report considers a petition received requesting Residents’ Priority Parking on Trentholme Drive.

Additional documents:


Resolved:   That the Executive Member approves a formal consultation with residents of Trentholme Drive for a Residents’ Priority Parking area.


Reason:     The documentation package provided enables residents to make an informed decision.



The Executive Member considered a report which presented petitions from residents of Trentholme Drive requesting resident priority parking.


He gave consideration to the following options:


Option one: Conduct a formal consultation, report the outcome to the Director of City and Environmental Services, who will decide whether sufficient support is evident to advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order.

Option two: Take no further action


Resolved:   That the Executive Member approves a formal consultation with residents of Trentholme Drive for a Residents’ Priority Parking area.


Reason:     The documentation package provided enables residents to make an informed decision.


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